Setting up a tractor/trailer combo


Hi guys,

I am experimenting with a tractor/trailer combination on a facility. I would like to have a tractor tow a trailer, as a loc does with railcars. The SDKs mention nodes on the models named 'tow' and 'hitch' which I can add. I also remember seeing a flak gun being towed by a truck in MAW. I would like to do something similar but I need to know how this is done:

a) Can I set up this tractor to tow a trailer on a facility file so that they follow a spline (as moving vehicles do on airfields etc.)? If yes, how do I set this up in the facility .xml?

Trains seem to added through spawns. A recent thread (taxiing aircraft) mentions spawns for facilities.

b) If the above does not work, can the tractor/trailer combo be added through a spawn? How does one make it follow the spline on the facility in a spawn file?



(Will post screenies of model later - when it is textured)
Ah, beat me to it David, I couldn't find the file on this mess of a HD!

Looking forward to seeing this Joost. :)
Thanks fella's!

Not sure how this makes my understanding of a possible solution better ;), but I guess I have to put some more effort in learning the spawn-thing ;-)
This I why I would like it to move like a train:

View attachment 87387View attachment 87388

A vehicle long overdue and a dearly needed addition to airfields with fighters and medium bombers (or a lovely target for any LW pilot ;-)

BTW Clive, it's an Autocar U-7144T tractor pulling two F2 2,000 gal fuel trailers, second one with dolly (not sure whether this tractor was powerful enough but when it is set up as a train, I can always remove the second trailer...)
Would be nice if there were some German equivalents for the Allies to shoot up also.:jump: BTW do we have a tractor pulling bomb loads in the ACC airfields?
Would be nice if there were some German equivalents for the Allies to shoot up also.:jump: BTW do we have a tractor pulling bomb loads in the ACC airfields?

No moving ones anyway. Clive did a static RAF one. But I have just found TM 9-2800 which has dimensions for the M5 bomb trailer. And Ted or Jeff (or someone else) did the accompanying tow vehicle. So maybe in the future... But first things first: I have have to get this lot moving like a train, not a single model. Otherwise it will take corners on the roads as a single unit and that doesn't look the part! Not to mention the LODs that have to be done. I aimed for a model with not too many poly's but if you want a certain likeness to it's real-worl counterpart; the complete road-train has as many poly's a as stock aircraft, I think!
(BTW the last two screenies are staged: It's exported as a single model...)

Have you got good info on any LW servicing vehicles??

Have you got good info on any LW servicing vehicles??

If you mean in CFs3 not AFAIK, but I can check the internet...and... the internet!:icon_lol: Will do.

Thinking of trains, Velno had a train track running into it( probably re the V1s there), but ? any point if not connected to any other track in the game?

I studied the spawns a bit but haven't got any to work yet. I have found in some spawn files that it should be possible to make vehicles drive directly from one waypoint to another (lat/lon coordinates). Is there anybody who is more knowledgable in this field who can help me to a working spawn that has a vehicle driving from one coordinate to another coordinate on an airfield? I think I can fill in the rest.
Basic coordinates are N52°16' 19.9000'' E1°34'18.8000'' and N52°15' 36.5000'' E1°34'0.6000''. This is roughly along the main runway at Leiston (1945).

I have a tractor/ trailor combo driving in a own airbase facility.

Give me a private message with your e-mail.


No moving ones anyway. Clive did a static RAF one. But I have just found TM 9-2800 which has dimensions for the M5 bomb trailer. And Ted or Jeff (or someone else) did the accompanying tow vehicle. So maybe in the future... But first things first: I have have to get this lot moving like a train, not a single model. Otherwise it will take corners on the roads as a single unit and that doesn't look the part! Not to mention the LODs that have to be done. I aimed for a model with not too many poly's but if you want a certain likeness to it's real-worl counterpart; the complete road-train has as many poly's a as stock aircraft, I think!
(BTW the last two screenies are staged: It's exported as a single model...)

Have you got good info on any LW servicing vehicles??

This has some LW vehicles. The trouble is that Goering wanted the LW to do everything!

I note this French one was used by the LW a lot

airfighter55 perhaps you could give more info upload yr facility for a tractor trailer?
Renatus, this is the time to let the cat out of the bag..As we say here..

These Masters are the very men needed for the CFS3 IFO Important Figures and Objects project..

Your work in this area needs to be showcased and allow the Masters here to have a go at it..
Just a request, or suggestion from a hobbit..

With the Tractor/Trailer you have this is a open door..
Oh yea! Go for it..
And there is much rejoicing!
:applause: :applause: :applause:
