Setting up WOFF Scenery with WM Scenery Manager 4.6?


Charter Member
Hi all,

I've finally been able to set up the WOFF scenery with ETO 1.50 and am really enjoying it!

I have three questions that I'm not so sure of:

1) How do I set up the scenery manager so I can have multiple seasons such as autumn with a little snow or autumn without snow as an example?

2) Are there any full-snow textures for the airfields in ETO 1.50 that I can use? I thought about using VonOben's 7-season scenery, but I have no idea how I would go about this.

I've used VonOben's 7 season scenery before, but I'm not sure if it's compatible with WOFF scenery?

3) Is there a way to remove the WWI trenches and WWI front-line in northern France?


1. Not having Scenery Manager installed anymore I can't say for sure, but look at the folder structure in the scenery manager directory - it has folders for different seasonal variations, though I think they differ from the WOFF ones.

2. Von Oben's scenery has them. Install that scenery somewhere else and pick out the airfield textures and put them in with your WOFF scenery textures.

3. Yes, look in the landclasses.xml and note the titles of the landclasses. Overwrite the sections related to damage and devestation with the similar undamaged ones.