Settings, or which one first?


Charter Member 2010
Hey, just installed Ultimate Terrain and Ground Environment Pro for FS9.
Some of it I like and some of it I'm a little disappointed. Doesn't quite look like the pictures I've seen.
Was wondering if it may be because I have REP running. I had this already installed on the sim. Should this have been uninstalled first?
Or should I just redo the settings on REP?
Tom...Just open REp and turn it all off...It will cover up all the GEPro stuff........

It will take a while to fully understand GEPro,I have been studying it most of the day and all last night..

There is a option there where you can make your own ground and sky textures the way you want to see them...They can run alone or run as a texture to accomadate the type of weather you are flying..

I downloaded for 10 hours last night during sleep ......I now have lots to pick from....

Do you have AS6?
Tom, some items in UT:

I like to check Turn Off All Streams, as even when I resize them to the smallest size I can (-1), they are still too large. Also uncheck Tunnel Roads, you don't need them.

I have already built up 3 textures packages apiece for all of GE Pro's themes, so I don't have to wait for those to be made.

I still use REP, because I like what it does to the environment. REP really does nothing to ground textures, only runway lights and environment and water color, so it is not going to effect UT or GE Pro in any way.

I also have Active Sky 6.5 and when I use it, I uncheck Enhanced Sun and Skies in REP.
