The Pyramids of Giza (and surrounding ruins) is default MSFS 2020 scenery. As they are, they are also separate in theme from the rest of the scenery subjects, since they aren't depicted as they once looked in their prime - the Giza pyramids of course being once clad completely in white limestone and capped with a pyramidion. However, being the only surviving of the seven wonders, they separate themselves from the rest in that regard too.
I was watching an episode of "Secrets of the Dead" on PBS a couple nights ago, which touched on some of the archaeological activity taking place in Iraq in recent years. In it, I found the claim by Dr. Stephanie Dalley quite interesting, in which she believes that the hanging gardens, which have long been written about in classical literature as having been located in the city of Babylon, were actually likely that of the gardens constructed by King Sennacherib alongside his palace in Nineveh (near modern-day Mosul). They are well documented in contemporary Assyrian writings and reliefs as having not only been visually impressive, but also as having been a tremendous feat of engineering, with many miles of canals, dams and aqueducts to supply water, with screws to raise the water within the gardens. Sennacherib even had it inscribed that he had built a "Wonder for all Peoples".