Shaking Gladitor


I just downloaded the Gloster Gladitor from Classic Wings, and it shakes and vibrates so bad when you give it throttle ,it's impossible to taxi with out it going up on one wing.
Also the prop never stops even when you shut down the engine,just keeps swinging. The Greek Gladitor is much better although it to has some shake when you give it throttle ,but at least you can taxi it and the prop shuts down when you shut off the engine. Also if you just take off where it sets instead of taxying it shakes going down the runway and acts like the brakes are on, ( leaves tire skidmaks)
Any cure for the Classic Wings Gladitor?
since no one has any ideas

Since no one has any ideas about the problems with the Classic Wings Gladiator( or everone is sick of me which is a distinct possibility) I have sent and email to Craig at Classic Wings and will let you know if I recieve a reply that might help someone else who is having the same problems with the Gladiator.
At Classic Wings there are three download pictures so I tried another ,but same shaking and vibrateing and the prop still won't stop ,so all the download pictures must be the same.
Well, personally I've never used this one, so can't comment. Have you checked out the Gladiator series from Thicko?
just recieved an email

I just recievef an email from Craig at Classic Wings and he said it was most likely a contact point issue and will look into it tonight. I am not familer with Thicko's Gladitor ,is it payware? Also where might I find them? Thanks
if you mean the Hellinic Galdiator

If you ment the Hellinic Gladiator ,I have that one ,it also has some slight shake when you add power but it's managable and you can taxi it. As for repaints, I was never any good at doing repaints ,they always seem to make the plane funny colors or disappear compleatly. So unless there are blank templates for repaints I stay away from repaints. Thanks for your reply.
Typically shaking is related to contact points. The problem there is that some add-on software such as a totally unrelated airport seems to cause that problem only on some systems.
For example I installed a freeware scenery for Milan,Italy or close to that city and suddenly had bouncing aircraft and not only at that airport...but at others that only shared a runway "texture" or structure in AFCAD. So I went back and removed that and all quieted down again.

We had that with the Connie series in three or four cases, Carenado had it with the 185 and I think PAD had a few people bouncing in the DHC6. Not the fault of the aircraft really in any of those I mentioned. But fixable by tweaking the aircraft suspension. Lucky for us one of the team members experienced nose wheel bouncing and we caught 99.9% before release.
The problem there is since the developer does not have your system and added files they usually can't even reproduce the problem much less fix it exactly. If you love playing with the cfg numbers and testing and re-testing it is something that you can tweak yourself.

No, it's freeware. Check here, in the archive, look for "thickosehaskel", they are for CFS2 but somewhere (Simviation) there is an FS9 update for them
Thankyou Andy and Sunny

Thanks ,I downloaded both the MkI and MkII and am still wanting on Crag's reply for the Custom Classics Glad ,I'd like to keep it because it's in British colors. I'll check for the update. Thanks again for the info about different airfields.
Milton wrote a nice write up a while back on Contact Point adjustment and a few very elegant tricks to try and get it right if you are not the modeler and therefor can not know for sure how much travel each point is allowed to have.

Thanks Stefan

I don't much about adjusting contact points and I hate to go mucking about the config file without knowing what I'am doing.
I haven't heard back from Craig from Classic Wings ,I downloaded the Malta Sea Gladitor
and the fix for FS9 so if I don't hear back from him I'am going to delete the Classic Wings Glad and go with Thicko's Glads. Even if I get the shaking stopped ,there still is the anoying prop that won't quit spinning ,although I did ask Craig to check that out also, I'am going to wait on him or someone else to come up with a fix.Thanks
An update

Craig sent me a new Airfile and Aircraft config , but although the aircraft no longer shakes on the ground and the prop stops, there is no panel ,just a closeup view of the cylinders with the prop in the center ,also when airborne the plane has a continual shake about the yaw axis.
I emailed him back cause he wanted to know how I made out ,so will have to see if he can fix the new problems.
Just in case anybody cares

Another up date on the continuing saga to make the Custom Classics Gloster Gladitor work right. Craig (from Custom Wings) sent me another set of config and airfiles ,tried them and although the prop would stop and I had the panel back I still had a fair amount of continual back and forth yaw.
So I started experimenting and put back the oridginal Airfile( which flew fine) and that stopped the yawing but the prop woukdn't stop again after you shut down the engine.
I emailed Craig about what I did ,and told him the only thing wrong now was the prop continueing to rotate after engine shutdown and it was up to him if he wanted to fix that.
He emailed me and told me to set the value for propeller_moi = 13 to 0.5 in the aircraft config . ,but when I checked it the value wasn't 13 but 87.59072 but I changed it to 0.5 like he said.
Well that froze the whole sim up and I had to ctrl,alt.delete to get out and change it back.
So thats where things stand now ,waiting for Craig to come up with something else. I can live with the prop continueing to swing after shut down so it's up to Craig if he wants to try and fix that.
another quick update

I tried using Thicko's figures for propeller_moi= ,which are 36.10000 and no difference, the prop keeps turning after shutdown, I emailed Craig and told him I think the proplem is with the airfile not the config file since it was when I used his new config file but used the oridginal airfile that the prop went back to continually swinging after shutdown. The plane flys fine once you get off the ground with the stock airfile ,but shook badly with the original config file. So I told him I can live with the prop swinging and it's up to him if he wants to try and fix it.
last update

OK this is the last post on this subject, Craig sent me another new airfile and config file ,he said it worked on his laptop ,(no shaking and the prop stopped) but on my computer although it was fine on the ground ,prop stopped and no shaking ,in the air the plane fishtailed badly ,so I went back to using his config file and the old airfile, still get some shaking in the air and the prop keeps windmilling I;ll live with it. Thicko's Glads fly fine, I now have all his, the Glad I,II and Sea Glads so although I;ll keep the Classic wings Glad cause I like the paint scheme I won't fly it that much. Thanks to everyone but it must be my computer , I did try flying from differnt fields but same results.
With the one that does everything right on the ground you might get that to work better in the air if you adjust the realism slider in FS.
The yawing in flight is adjustable in most cases by modifying the MOI numbers in the cfg.

I know my last post was supposed to be my last

I know I said I was done with this subject but Craig at Custom Classics wouldn't give up.
He sent me another aircraft config and airfile, and these worked beautifully. The Glad now handles wonderfully on the ground( the prop even stops on shutdown) and in the air without yawing or pitching that was bad enough to almost make you airsick after a while.
I have nothing but praise for Craig and Custom Classics. Craig went above and beyond to make a real dog of a plane into a beautifully flying bird. I can now even loop it with out running out of airspeed way before I got to the top.
I think Craig and all the folks at Custom Classics are a wonderful example of not giving up, and anyone who uses their planes should donate at least as much as they can afford.