
Downloaded yet more of Milton's Lodestars. In this case I cannot find a author for these excellent paint jobs of some of the earliest military Lodestars. Whoever it is - thank you very much. I know that 'fire-kitten' did a lot to provide the beautiful reflective base textures for many of the Lodestars, so thanks to her and whoever used the paint kit with skill to produce these fine examples.

And - of course the provider of the models upon which these coats are hung - Milton the man! Big, big thank you from a guy in a remote valley who cannot get terrestial radio or satellite access and has a 'Superfast' broadband speed of an amazing 80 Kb/second. LOL.


PS: match the name of the texture 'Navy41' to that written in the a/c cfg (or vice versa)for the USN skin to show.
Downloaded yet more of Milton's Lodestars. In this case I cannot find a author for these excellent paint jobs of some of the earliest military Lodestars. Whoever it is - thank you very much. I know that 'fire-kitten' did a lot to provide the beautiful reflective base textures for many of the Lodestars, so thanks to her and whoever used the paint kit with skill to produce these fine examples.

And - of course the provider of the models upon which these coats are hung - Milton the man! Big, big thank you from a guy in a remote valley who cannot get terrestial radio or satellite access and has a 'Superfast' broadband speed of an amazing 80 Kb/second. LOL.


PS: match the name of the texture 'Navy41' to that written in the a/c cfg (or vice versa)for the USN skin to show.

Without a screenshot, hard to say which textures you are referring to but Andre19, Willy, and Mick did some real "keepers", among others.
I painted those skins.

They're based on the blank textures provided with the model, though I had to make the alpha channels to polish the bare metal ones, then modify them to be less shiny for the silver painted Coastie R5O-1.

I haven't always remembered to put my name in the ReadMe files with my paints in recent times. If I noticed the omission later, I just figured that "Submitted by Mick" appearing on the download list was sufficient.

I haven't worried much about documentation since I got back into the hobby and started releasing my skins exclusively at SOH. I figure that the folks I want to share with - the people who share their work with me - will see my stuff here. That's why I'm just as happy with a few dozen downloads here as I'd be with hundreds or even thousands somewhere else.

This is a pretty knowledgeable bunch who don't need a lot of step by step instructions to install a skin. And I don't worry about legal stuff anymore, since it's widely ignored, unenforceable and therefore meaningless. Other download sites that cater to a wider clientele expect that stuff, but I see no need for it here, so I keep the documentation simple. Sometimes so simple that I don't even remember to put my name in it.

I'm glad you like the skins! That's more important than knowing who painted them. Thank you for the compliment!

I'll try to remember to put my name on future uploads. But I might forget again.

Without a screenshot, hard to say which textures you are referring to but Andre19, Willy, and Mick did some real "keepers", among others.

Thanks Milton!

I was turning them out so hot and heavy that I basically got burned out on them in short order. But I've still got the folder full of Lodestar reference material and I've learned a lot since I painted the last one that I kind of hate to look at the ones I did earlier as I know I can do them a lot better now. So, I've been thinking about revisiting the Lodestar, just got a full plate with some early jets in FSX at the moment.
