Downloaded yet more of Milton's Lodestars. In this case I cannot find a author for these excellent paint jobs of some of the earliest military Lodestars. Whoever it is - thank you very much. I know that 'fire-kitten' did a lot to provide the beautiful reflective base textures for many of the Lodestars, so thanks to her and whoever used the paint kit with skill to produce these fine examples.
And - of course the provider of the models upon which these coats are hung - Milton the man! Big, big thank you from a guy in a remote valley who cannot get terrestial radio or satellite access and has a 'Superfast' broadband speed of an amazing 80 Kb/second. LOL.
PS: match the name of the texture 'Navy41' to that written in the a/c cfg (or vice versa)for the USN skin to show.
And - of course the provider of the models upon which these coats are hung - Milton the man! Big, big thank you from a guy in a remote valley who cannot get terrestial radio or satellite access and has a 'Superfast' broadband speed of an amazing 80 Kb/second. LOL.
PS: match the name of the texture 'Navy41' to that written in the a/c cfg (or vice versa)for the USN skin to show.