Shiny Bearcats !!!


I've just uploaded a package of skins for the Alpha Bleu Ciel Grumman F8F Bearcat. These are the Royal Thai Air Force skins painted by l'Iguane, along with models that have reflections enabled to properly display these beautiful liveries. There is also a non-reflective skin depicting a French Air Force Bearcat in Indochina.

As some of you may know, l'Iguane is in the Sudan flying anti-poacher patrols and his connection to the Interweb doesn't have much bandwidth, so he sent me the package broken up into parts and asked me to put them into a single zip file for the SOH library.

We've been waiting for these repaints for a long time, and they are worth the wait!
Conflict with vc by models in latest bearcat skins pack


Many thanks for relaying l'Iguane's Thai AF skins from deepest jungle/desert/ice-cap. Excellent skins, but I found that the models, accompanying these skins, caused a conflict with the virtual cockpit as modded by Milton and co.

I also found that the models (for a single tank; clean a/c and the matt French AF tanked version) did not have the fine undercarriage suspension movements that have been installed in Milton's update of the original model.

If you can live without a clean a/c model and a matt model for the French AF skin, then install the skins into the updated Bearcat by Milton and co, utilising the updated model and cockpit. All appears OK and they are great looking skins.

Please relay my thanks to l'Iguane in the deepest nowhere in the world, they are beautiful skins and really do benefit from the work done by Milton and co. Think the French AF looks nicer with a gloss, but that is just my personal preference.

Thanks for the comments. I haven't had a chance to check out the plane in the sim, but I've kept a note of your remarks and will probably do as you suggest.

I believe l'Iguane will see your post. He is in the Sudan, where he has an interweb connection and can access this site. It's just that the old wood burning confuters they've got there have such narrow bands that uploading files of any size is problematical.