Ship Gun


Charter Member
Does anyone have in thier gun folder a gun called "20mmMG151ship_gun.xdp"? If so could ya send it to me? I've noticed that after intalling the S38 and the Vosper from the MTB pack that there are no fx for the guns. After investigation I found that the gun called for in the xdp does not exist in my folder..can't find da buggah anywhere!!! In the past I've simply replaced it with another gun but I'd liek to do it right this time.
Hi M. If you pm. me your email i will send it on to you, also someone may correct me on this. but the number to change the tracers, is in the gun section at the top of the xpd. The average is 40. This is from av spitfire and is the third line from the top of the xpd. SystemID="right_guns" Tracer="40" Trainable="0" Trigger="0" Type="AvHistory_gb_gun_303cal"