Shockwave Lights not for P3D

gray eagle

I have been gradually adding some of the FSX addons over to P3d and much to my surprise I find that Shockwave Lights are not compat with P3d v3.4

I had added the JF DC-6 over to P3d and that all worked well, when I discovered a shockwave lights receipe for the DC6:


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing , 6=taxi

light.0=3, -6.25, -70.50, 5.00, Fx_shockwave_navred //fx_navred ,
light.1=3, -6.25, 70.50, 5.00, Fx_shockwave_navgre //fx_navgre ,
light.2=3, 2.30, 0.00, 9.57, fx_navwhi ,
light.3=4, 32.8, 0, 4.4, fx_vclight ,
light.4=3, -77.57, 0.00, 2.97, fx_navwhi ,
light.5=1, -67.16, 0.00, 23.81, Fx_shockwave_beacon //fx_beacon ,
light.6=6, 34.70, 0.00, -5.25, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow_down_22.fx ,
light.7=5, -9.10, 27.55, -1.80, fx_shockwave_landing_light_double_vsmall.fx , //gauche
light.8=5, -9.10, -28.60 , -1.80 , fx_shockwave_landing_light_double_vsmall.fx ,
light.9=2, 2.35, 0.00, 9.57, Fx_shockwave_strobe.fx

I find that shockwave lights is not a P3d product. Who knows when or if it will ever be.

I added the above shockwave script to my FSX version (I still have FSX/A installed) and it sure looks nice:



Gonna miss this shockwave light effect in P3d. Bummer.......
I'm pretty sure that I added shockwave light effects to several airplanes I'm flying in P3D_V3.4. . .I remember them working just fine actually.
I can confirm Ed having SW lights working in P3D v3.4. My problem was always missing the textures in the Effects folder. Be sure to add them or nothing shows.
I can confirm Ed having SW lights working in P3D v3.4. My problem was always missing the textures in the Effects folder. Be sure to add them or nothing shows.

I resorted to looking in the effects folder for anything with shockwave on it and copied them to the P3d effects folder. Now, I did manage to install to a dummy folder and it was
humming along quite well then it stumbled looking for those stock FSX aircraft/helos that were not present in my dummy folder. So I took what it did install and pasted them to my P3D effects folder.

I've PM one of the A2A admins for a copy of the version that supposedly has a P3d installer, waiting for reply.

In the meantime, that DC-3 picture from FSX that I posted was with shockwave lights looks the same now in P3d. So I must of got all the necessary files to make it work.
I only found 3 or so effects/texture folder that were Shockwave related. Gota be easier way to do this then the way I did it. (a P3d installer would of been nice.)