Shot down Red Baron and Boelke



I must apologize if I spelled Boelke's name incorrectly. Very nice to this fine game. So, I was on easy settings and invincible, but I did not have unlimited ammo turned on.. I was tired of dying for a while. Flying for the French in my Nieuwport 17 (now I can't remember the squadron nor the time but I think it was in late 1916. My problem now is it was on my other computer which has crashed, hopefully temporary as I want to get in the air SOON.

First the Baron comes along and he is flying like a bee, all over the place. I finally get behind him and peppered him with a few shots. I lost him again and look and see Oswald and know that I will be dead soon. He is busy with other of my mates. I have the Baron scream past me and yes, he got a few rounds in me,. but I doubt it was more. That was the only time I would have been hit.

When I took out the Baron, I had about 150 rounds left (on normal setting) and looked for Owsald. I ignored the other Germans but I don't think there were many as my squadron mates had done a fine job. A few skirmishes with Oswald and his plane was smoking. I looked and saw that I had something like 30 some rounds left and knew I had to make it count. I was able to get behind him as he was going low and slow and really didn't have a chance. I expended all of my rounds and saw him flame down. Now of course with being invincible and on an "easy" setting, I know I had the "edge". However, I do know that it was terrific thrill and with only a few rounds in my plane, I was very gratified.
On easy settings and invincible? And you come here to brag about it? Oh, you shameless hussy you! :icon_lol:
Glad to hear you're having fun.

You already know that this is like reporting a dream in the mess don't you?
Still, you get time to see how good the AI is. Unlike the rest of us who don't because it has already got us.
My thrill was more in seeing the two legends rather than going after them.. :amen::amen: I would certainly love to relive that moment in the more realistic settings.
My thrill was more in seeing the two legends rather than going after them.. :amen::amen: I would certainly love to relive that moment in the more realistic settings.

The title of your post seems to suggest otherwise.
Dane, sounds like you are having fun which is the point of the game! Cool!

'easy'... 'invincible'... der Krupmet cheater!!!



I got massivley shot up by Boelcke in one split second and was lucky to ditch it on my side of the front lines. Another time I ran into Boelcke and a guy named Hans Immelman. So on one pass I yelled to him "Hey, are you related to Max Immelman?" But I couldn't hear his response as he kept trying to shoot me with his machine gun. So on the next pass I yelled "I can't hear you when you are shooting!" But maybe he was deaf or something, I don't know, 'cause he just kept on shooting...
I can't call him a cheater. My old eyes, hand/wrist trauma and aged reflexes force me to use the Never Die cheat. And end a pilot's career when I think it should be ended.

It's all about having fun.
I got massivley shot up by Boelcke in one split second and was lucky to ditch it on my side of the front lines. Another time I ran into Boelcke and a guy named Hans Immelman. So on one pass I yelled to him "Hey, are you related to Max Immelman?" But I couldn't hear his response as he kept trying to shoot me with his machine gun. So on the next pass I yelled "I can't hear you when you are shooting!" But maybe he was deaf or something, I don't know, 'cause he just kept on shooting...

I think you mean "Hans Imelmann". He was jasta 2 ace. An no he was not related to Max Immelmann
My thrill was more in seeing the two legends rather than going after them.. :amen::amen: I would certainly love to relive that moment in the more realistic settings.

Dont' listen to em Dane,:ernae:

You payed your money, you play the game the way you want to. There used to be an easy mode arena in warbirds (still may be) and there was always this thing between the easy mode guys and the others. I would stick my head in the easy mode arena every now and again just for grins and would have a ball. A good percentage of the guys that flew in the easy mode arena could also fly quite well in the regular arenas, they just preferred easy mode. Hell it's a game your supposed to be having fun.
