Siai Marchetti SF260


SOH Staff
Staff member
I inadvertedly stumbled over one of my own posts from November 2020 about the forthcoming release of a native MSFS Siai Marchetti SF-260 by JRollon and Simcoders. It looks extremely promising in the video (which oozes quality in itself as well) but it seems the project never came to fruitation. It's only about his planes for XPlanes at JRollon's webside. A few seemingly newer screenies at Simcoders Facebook page, seems they've added the pilot model which is missing in the video.

Not like anybody here knows anything more about it, is there ??...

Very sad if this MSFS SF260 project must have been abandoned for some reason... I was very much looking forward to it myself but must've forgotten about somehow... :sleeping:

Afaik last news is from March 2021:
Sim skunk works have announced a SF260 on their facebook page

So i see, thanks for the tip ! :)

The sad thing is that the JRollon SF260 seems just about finished in the screenshots where the SSW SF260 project is not even started yet..