Siebel FH-104 Textures?


Charter Member
Does anyone have or know of any commercial or private textures for the Siebel FH-104 for FS2004 (

Its a really nice model but it only comes with a German military texture although it was flown well into the 1960's after the war in a number of non-military roles. I've been flying it out of a base in Africa in Air Hauler but the military texture kind of ruins the immersion. I've put out a couple of feelers to see if I could peak the interest of a couple of members who do repaints but thought I would also ask just to see if there is something already out there that I don't know about. I've looked in all the usual places but haven't found anything so far. Its a pretty nice nimble little twin.

Another quick question. I'm no graphic artist, but a can use GIMP minimally. I took the FH-104 skin and blacked it out. All texture detail lost (no rivets or anything) but still better than the military skin. I also have a skin where I blotted out the German markings and have some green blobs in their

But when I replace the bmp files FS2004 won't display them. Then I read a post on using DXTbmp because the bmp files have to be extended files. And I followed the instructions best I could, but when I open the bmp files in DXTbmp to convert them they turn bright yellow and then again won't display in FS2004.

Does anyone know of step by step instructions on what I need to do to get a plane texture to display in FS2004. I'm doing something wrong (beyond being a lousy

Another quick question. I'm no graphic artist, but a can use GIMP minimally. I took the FH-104 skin and blacked it out. All texture detail lost (no rivets or anything) but still better than the military skin. I also have a skin where I blotted out the German markings and have some green blobs in their

But when I replace the bmp files FS2004 won't display them. Then I read a post on using DXTbmp because the bmp files have to be extended files. And I followed the instructions best I could, but when I open the bmp files in DXTbmp to convert them they turn bright yellow and then again won't display in FS2004.

Does anyone know of step by step instructions on what I need to do to get a plane texture to display in FS2004. I'm doing something wrong (beyond being a lousy

Open DXTbmp, open with it texture you wan edit, now on the main screen you will see main texture, on a smaller screen on the right side is alpha channel, it may be just white because there is no alpha channel and its not needed for us now anyway. Now click two times on the big picture and it should open paint program, which is probably mspaint, change whatever you want and press CTRL+S to save it, dont exit paint right now, go back to DXTbmp press menu "Image" on the top and press "Reload after edit". Now press "File" then "Save as" and choose submenu "Extended Bitmap" for fs2004 you can choose "Extended 32 bit 888-88" format, or DXT3, DXT3 saves much more space, but image quality suffers a bit, do not use it for prop and windows textures, or they will become ugly! Now you can close paint and dxtbmp
Thank you, kikas, this worked!

It ain't pretty, but it will do in a pinch to replace the military skin until someone who knows what they're doing makes a proper civilian skin for the Siebel. Its a nice little twin, similar to a Cessna Bobcat. The model is very well done :encouragement:
I have made a few textures for the Siebel, one authentic and four fictional. Unfortunately there is some texture mapping problems with the result that even the authentic texture is slightly different from the photograph I have. Anyway here they are, and if anyone is interested they can be downloaded here.

Thank you so much for these textures, Andre!

I spent all weekend trying to make a texture that didn't look like a cartoon plane, but I couldn't do it. My hat is off to you guys who can do these is a true talent! :ernaehrung004:

P.S. You might consider uploading these to as I think they would be greatly appreciated. The "Cream" is my favorite!
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Thanks for the heads up, Mick!

Yes, that is one of Andre's skins pictured above that I downloaded a couple of weeks ago :encouragement:

Thanks again, Andre!
Thanks for the reply Kodiak. Yes they are the same textures that I upload to Flightsim as requested.

I have since made some small adjustments and included the black version again by renaming the new colour scheme to Yellow. If you download the version on my website you will get all 6 texture versions.