Charter Member
Does anyone have or know of any commercial or private textures for the Siebel FH-104 for FS2004 (Flightsim.com)?
Its a really nice model but it only comes with a German military texture although it was flown well into the 1960's after the war in a number of non-military roles. I've been flying it out of a base in Africa in Air Hauler but the military texture kind of ruins the immersion. I've put out a couple of feelers to see if I could peak the interest of a couple of members who do repaints but thought I would also ask just to see if there is something already out there that I don't know about. I've looked in all the usual places but haven't found anything so far. Its a pretty nice nimble little twin.
Its a really nice model but it only comes with a German military texture although it was flown well into the 1960's after the war in a number of non-military roles. I've been flying it out of a base in Africa in Air Hauler but the military texture kind of ruins the immersion. I've put out a couple of feelers to see if I could peak the interest of a couple of members who do repaints but thought I would also ask just to see if there is something already out there that I don't know about. I've looked in all the usual places but haven't found anything so far. Its a pretty nice nimble little twin.