Sikorki R-4B NO START


Retired SOH Admin
I have the Sikorski R-4B package by Shawn Lund and Pete Clayson downloaded and installed. The exterior model looks great. The panel is nice. The VC is nice. Everything is nice...except I can't get them to start unless I go into Slew mode and put the helo into the air using the Q key. I have tried CTRL E...nothing. Tried flicking switches in the VC...nothing. Pushed the start button in the VC....nothing.

How do you get these choppers started?

Some choppers also need a little bit of throttle to start up. I do not know if that is the case with this one because I do not have it installed.
The F1, CTRL F4, CTRL SHIFT F4 steps did the trick. A bit of a pain when you just want to fire the thing up and go flying...but not a big deal..just had to write it down so I don't forget it.

I got her. I had to ditch half the fuel to get decent lift, but she works.

I'm not much of a helo fan, but this one I'll keep in my off-disk hangar.:kilroy:
I have been tempted to add the R-4B to my 50's install, but it was no longer used by the Military and there isn't a civil paoint for it
You're missing out on a very nice's free, go for it...:wavey: