Sikorsky S-51 Update???


Wasn't someone (was it OBIO?) working on an update of Greg Pepper's old Sikorsky S-51 / HO3S / H-5 Dragonfly?

What ever happened to that?

I thought I might have a paint or two to contribute...

thanks Mick..i was awaiting the update also..don-t think we-ve missed it...maybe thou..

Yep, t'was me working on the update to the S-51. The MDL has been tweaked for full reflective texturing, Michael Davies did up a super duper flight dynamics package for the whirly bird that makes it fly and hover as sweetly as the Alpha Sim S-55 (he did the FDE for that chopper as well). I have a number of skins done, just need to rework them for reflective texturing (well, at least the bare metal ones).

As tends to happen frequently with me, AADD (Adult Attention Deficient Disorder) kicked in and the S-51 got set aside as I began working on numberous other projects. If you gents could see the pile of projects that I have going, it would boggle your minds.

Well, I sure hope it comes together. That's such a cool looking old chopper, even in its original version I love it. An update would be really neat.

There was a movie about Navy HO3Ss doing rescue work in the Korean War; I can't remember the name of it. And I have a recollection of sitting in a theater as a kid, watching an HO3S making a forced landing in some sort of lost world with dinosaurs and stuff. And of course, there was the Daily Planet's S-51 news chopper...

It's interesting to note that the S-51 and the Bell 47 were more or less contemporaries. The Bell 47 is still in commercial service, while the S-51 has been a museum piece for going on half a century.
I know how it is with ADD. All too often I'll...

Hey look - there's a plane flying over!

I need a snack...

What was I saying? Oh well, see ya later...:isadizzy: