sim cockpit finished

the thread this was started on is recaping.building a cockpit on pennies.scavenging parts and peices and only buying what couldn't be dug up.the whole unit cost less than 150.00$,not includeing the saitek controls,peddals and has a primary flight station with saitek x52 controller.a secondary gunners station,with a wingman force feed back stick,with a hand made 50 cal model machinegun houseing. it is 12v. operated with a car solonoid and temp contact switch to operate the trigger.the secondary station swings up and locks in the vertical has 4 way speaker system that is seperatly,sound level adjustible.the mirror is for head alingement when useing the trackir.looking directly at the screen i can see my right ear in the upper corner.i can bring my head back to almost zero.the 2 nav lites are power indicators that the power strip is guys when your thinking of buying just a stick think bigger ! those of you that have the ability to scavenge and build,150.00$ is not a large amount of cash for what can be created.
If I propose to build a cokpit to my wife in my home... she gets divorce in a minute...
I am green with...

Hi SlipStream

You are a genius, very good work indeed, I was tempted to do something similar but I should not have the room to put it in.
My best compliments.:applause:
Cristiano "Astore" (Goshawk)
:redf::redf::redf: thanks cristiano.its a childhood vision.its not as large as pics show.its 3 feet deep,3 foot wide,7 foot tall with the gun station up.i'm 6 foot tall so it was built to my leangth. maulet my man thats why going out to dinner and argh! danceing was invented.jewelery has an amazeing affect also. :costumes: