Sim Skunk Works F/RF 104-G official upgrade to P3D 2.x


Charter Member
SSW is pleased to announce that his model LOCKHEED FRF-104G natively developed for PREPAR3D v. 2.x will be available at our "Software Store" at starting from Sunday June at 00:00 (if it will be available earlier we'll let you know).
The package contains F/RF-104 G MAP and Consortium models in Belgian, Danish, Dutch, German, Hellenic, Italian, Spanish, Turkish versions, all differences in internal configurations and external loadout have been mantained for historical correctness.
All weapon loadout/drop/launch are working both in single and multiplayer provided that vACMI has been installed and activated.
SSW Staff.
Thats really great news!

I just searched your site and forum but haven't found an answer to this question:

What should we do if we already purchased the FSX version and want to change it to the P3D V2 version?

Thanks and keep up the very good work!
Hi Dondy,
According to SSW price list,users that already purchased FSX version will have a 10€ discount for the P3D V2.x license.