Sim Skunk Works goes P3D 3.x ready,starting with the "Hog".


Charter Member
Sim Skunk Works goes P3D 3.x ready,starting with the "Hog".

Hi all,
Just a quick update of our working table vs P3D 3.2.
We are currently working on the F-84F that for now flies very well (must admit,it's smoother than on 2.5) there are oly some minor bugs to rectify.
Once finished implementing the TACPACK on our "Hog", it will be published (I think a couple of weeks,not more, from now.)
Price will be as P3D 2.5, users that already purchased it for P3D 2.5 will only have to reinstall on 3.2,keys will remain valid.
Together with the Hog,we will start migration of PA-200 Tornado and after these two,with the other stuff (F/RF 104 G/S/ASA and AV8B)
Stay tuned!



Truly beautiful, Pluto! Can you perhaps post some shots of the cockpit? Or is it not changed from FSX?

Sure I can,here they are. Basically the textures are the same of FSX/P3D2 version,but the global look of v3,with custom HDR effects and dynamic shining,besides a better shadow handling,makes this sim really eye candy.
The only note I can highlight is that talking about performance,dynamic shinings are a little expensive,in terms of framerate.
I'm doing some tests,and even if normally I set to 30 fps locked,I pushed the slide to 60,to see what happens...Basically nothing,it remains 60 inside and outside,even after 1 hour of flying,the only parameter that makes the fps drop around 40/45 is dynamic shining.



Truly beautiful, Pluto! Can you perhaps post some shots of the cockpit? Or is it not changed from FSX?

Sure I can,here they are. Basically the textures are the same of FSX/P3D2 version,but the global look of v3,with custom HDR effects and dynamic shining,besides a better shadow handling,makes this sim really eye candy.
The only note I can highlight is that talking about performance,dynamic shinings are a little expensive,in terms of framerate.
I'm doing some tests,and even if normally I set to 30 fps locked,I pushed the slide to 60,to see what happens...Basically nothing,it remains 60 inside and outside,even after 1 hour of flying,the only parameter that makes the fps drop around 40/45 is dynamic shining.



I just wanted to thank the SSW team for offering this upgrade. The system of request, download and activation key worked fine and I now have the Hog working in P3D v3. A lot of people complain about the authentication system. Well, yes, it is a bit more complicated than others but all you need to do is be patient and follow simple instructions.

A big thanks again as for me this was a gracious gift by SSW to Greek simmers during these hard times.