SIM SKUNK WORKS Introduces the "vACMI Partner"


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Mission planning and execution of simulated attack sorties is most realistic if the target positions are changed from flight to flight. For example an airfield with dispersed aircraft on the ground is a better target if the aircraft’s position is changed from day to day. This is difficult if fixed scenery files are used.

vACMI Partner is a tool that positions targets on demand by using vACMI target files. It also helps to make those target files (.tgt) and navigation files such as (.ln3) and (.rde) files. Thus different specific targets can be placed at different times by using the vACMI.tgt file.

The first step is to make a .kml file with Google Earth that contains all desired waypoints and target locations; this is then used by the vACMI Partner to make vACMI specific files in an easy way.

For instance the user may want to make a file for a single target containing various target objects. After having populated a .kml file, vACMI Partner helps to make the target file. vaCMI can then make a dynamic scenery of the target itself.

Alternatively the user may want to have up to 6 targets on a single .tgt file. The selected targets are used by vACMI to manage A/G weapons, assessing CEP and to guide smart weapons such as GBU12 and AGM88 to the ground targets.

Starting from a .kml file vACMI Partner can handle vACMI target files, (.tgt), F-104/AV8B INS files (.ln3) and PA200 navigation system files (.rde)

It also can handle directly above files, it can preview and save data to .tgt, .ln3 and .rde formats, editing of data can be done in an easy way before saving data in above formats.

- vACMI Partner is released as free software under GPL License v3
- Take in mind that is a brand new software so it may suffer from typical young age defects, comments, suggestions and even complains are welcome, we hope to make it always better and more reliable in time.

- Suggested WIN 10 version 1506 or higher
- .Net runtime version 4.5.2 ot higher
- Microsoft Visual Studio C++ runtime librariy version 14.0.2415 or higher (installer can install iit if needed)
- vACMI x64 version 4.0.0 or higher to have full features, can be used also with FSX/P3D v3 without dynamic scenery.
- LM Prepar3D version 4 to have the dynamic scenery, can be used also on other sim such as FSX/P3D v3 without dynamic scenery.

- vACMI Partner is released as free software under GPL License v3
- Take in mind that is a brand new software so it may suffer from typical young age defects, comments, suggestions and even complains are welcome, we hope to make it always better and more reliable in time.
- Suggested OS WIN 10 verion 1506 or higher
- .Net runtime version 4.5.2 or higher,
- Microsoft VisualStudio C++ runtime library 2015 x86, version 14.0.24215 or higher ( vACMI Partner installer can install it if needed)
- Prepar3D v4 (x64)
- vACMI version 4.0.0 (x64) or higher
- a SSW plane vACMI compliant

Installer is available at SSW site under "Free stuff" top bar menu or visiting:
To download the installer one must be registered to the site, registration is free.


here below some screen:


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SSW1 said:
"can be used also on other sim such as FSX/P3D v3 without dynamic scenery"

So, do you know if it will it work with FSX@War (in P3Dv3) or not?

Or was it not tested?

In your first post, you listed P3Dv3 as a version that it will work with.
I'm not sure what "dynamic scenery" refers it lighting and water?
So, do you know if it will it work with FSX@War (in P3Dv3) or not?

Or was it not tested?

In your first post, you listed P3Dv3 as a version that it will work with.
I'm not sure what "dynamic scenery" refers it lighting and water?

Dynamic scenery refers exactly to what FSX@War does (and much more), not a fixed scenery based on bgl-compiled files but simobjects created during sim run time, so an evaluation on P3D v3 or FSX cannot be even be thought.
Howver it seems a too generic question, i need some more specific.
OK. That answers my question perfectly. Thanks.

Dynamic scenery refers exactly to what FSX@War does (and much more), not a fixed scenery based on bgl-compiled files but simobjects created during sim run time, so an evaluation on P3D v3 or FSX cannot be even be thought.
Howver it seems a too generic question, i need some more specific.