Simdirector....anyone have experience with it?

Navy Chief

Senior Member
I have NOT tried using Simdirector yet. It appears as though it is possible to add objects to scenery using it?

Would appreciate your comments. Thanks, NC:semi-twins:
The P3D website has quit a bit of information about it. One of my winter projects was to go through the information and tutorials on the P3D website. Check back with me in the spring.:encouragement:
also the Learning Centre (in P3D root LearningCenter.chm) has tutorials and all the info required , but hard reading...:smile-new:

Yes, you can use it to place scenery objects. It's a bit clunky though.
Have a look at this YouTube video.
The P3D website has quit a bit of information about it. One of my winter projects was to go through the information and tutorials on the P3D website. Check back with me in the spring.:encouragement:

I wanted to check back with you about this program. I have only briefly looked at it, but do know it is capable of a lot. All I wanted to do right now, for example, is place some aircraft, parked on a flight line. I finally figured out how to select a aircraft as a object, but the lan landing gear are up! :banghead: NC
For what it's worth, I've been working with SimDirector for about two and a half years now, (mainly on P3D v3), so I'd be happy to help if anyone has any questions.
