Simmarket Black Friday Sale

Thanks for the heads up on this one!

I picked up the B-47E and the Douglas Skyray. When I was growing up those were about the slickest military planes in the entire universe. My uncle flew the Stratojet, so it will be fun flying it too.
I bought the Capt Sim C-130 Expansion Pack. It was supposed to have a C-130A model in it. Actually that's the reason I bought it. Well guess what? Nothing I've tried makes the A Model work. I just get a blank screen when I try to load it.

Just wondering if any of the rest of you'll have this pack and if so, does the A model work.

I picked up the Lockheed Neptune & Sea Vixen for FS2004 but the installer hangs up on both and locks up my computer. I had to submit a trouble ticket but that seems worthless because it will either install or not. Wish I could just download these as zip files.
Good looking out!

They got me! I went to look for the Virtavia B1 and ended it up buying it along with the C-17, Sea King, Seasprite and Merlin...all from Virtavia. Well I least I can tell the wife "...but it was 50% off"...with a puppy face of course! :jump:

I have them all and they work fine. Do you have the base pack?


Yes, I have the base pack. Only the C-130E shows up in Camo and Grey skins. The ACE utility doesn't seem to be working correctly either.

A few years back, I bought the base pack then had a computer crash. I bought the base pack again and installed it on this computer. Then when I saw the pack with the A Model, I just had to have it since I have about 1000 hours flight time as a loadmaster on the A.


Update: I completely unistalled both packs and then re-installed them. I also made a separate folder for the A Model. It now shows up and works fine....WhoooHey

glad you got it working, they're pretty nice planes.

I splashed on the Virtavia Dauphin and some GA plane for a couple of quid to round it up, always nice to keep things tidy, lol. Turns out it was this 'VIRTUALCOL - CESSNA T303 CRUSADER' for £3.34. Had to check mind, lol.

Don't ask how it is, I can't tell until I get my flippin' computer and FS working right.

Many of those Virtavia offerings come with both an FS 9 and an FS X model. Quite a bargan to get two for one for half price as it were.

Love the B-47E and the Skyray. They both fit in well with my 1950s through 1960s FS 9 theme.
I picked up the Lockheed Neptune & Sea Vixen for FS2004 but the installer hangs up on both and locks up my computer. I had to submit a trouble ticket but that seems worthless because it will either install or not. Wish I could just download these as zip files.

I picked up the Sea Vixen, and it installed with no issues; might be worth downloading again, just in case you have a glitched installer. And I have to be honest, I wouldn't hold out much hope for that support ticket, I've had no response from Virtavia on support requests for a long while now.
Thanks for the reply Andy. I ended up installing them at work and then emailing back to my main computer. Never did figure out why the MSI installers would not run. Oh well, I have the planes now.