
You wanted to see the promo simTECH freeware Rata I-16. Welp since you asked nicely here is a taste. This is a Fs9/FSX addon. Its very tricky to fly, very tricky.. so be prepared for a test of your skills.


Looking great - heres one I snapped at Wanaka (NZ) in 2006 along with a couple of its sister biplanes..and yes suppose to be very tricky to fly



The noise they make!!
There's something a little weird about a biplane with
retractable undercarriage...
Love seeing them display.
Not yet miami...

:gossip:there's still some work to do (skinning, more for the panel) before it's ready to unleash on the masses, but I think a bit of patience will be rewarded. It IS a handful (although it's gradually being 'tamed') but that just keeps you alert :wiggle:) --

Looks like a mini flying tank! I can't wait for this one.:applause::jump:

Thanks for all the effort.

yeah, Im just waiting to hear from Kamikuza if he will do some of the liveries for me, He in my humble opinion is the best painter in flight sim, better then me.
I will do 3 versions and Im hopeing he can do 3, to see his work go here.
He sounds interested so lets just keep our fingers crossed. If he cant do them then your stuck with me, and I can do em pretty dam good.

Im working up a set of xml guages now in all vintage looking colors, I have been talking to alot of people and have pics of several diferant gauge set ups for the rata as it seen so much action all over the globe.

Its gonna be a rocker

Neat work, it does look good Tom!
See the old fashioned looking window type handle on the right side of the Rata's cockpit, its for winding up the u/c after takeoff, apparently it was a bit of a performance winding that handle round and round with one hand while flying with the other hand!

I've seen them fly, five Ratas flying together, at Wanaka. A scene not seen for 60 years previously. They were not easy on landing, a high speed approach followed by a bouncy landing and a long rollout after that.
Holy Deathtrap Batman! Can't wait to crash, I mean fly it!

... and that you may well do!. It's one of those things that tempts you to fly lower, faster.. skimming across the Taiga forest, twisting and turning along the roads.. getting closer and closer to the edge of the envelope until..

OOPS! :faint:

But it's fun up to that very last moment :rapture:
If the skins come out the way it's hoped you can have fun in Spain, Russia, China... or Texas...

Great read, thanks for the link, Rob!
If the skins come out the way it's hoped you can have fun in Spain, Russia, China... or Texas...
...or Wanaka NZ, which is where the Alpine Fighter Collection put 'em together! I know I will be.
And if there were the slightest chance of the biplane taking to the virtual skies, I'd probably make a movie as well...
This is SO fantastic.

My grandfather, who fought on the Republican side, was a mechanic by trade, but was sent to the front as an infantryman (he was a crack shot, so they figured that was the best skill to exploit). He was badly injured in battle, and after recovery, worked as a mechanic on these. I recall seeing pictures of him standing next to "his" Mosca (Spanish for "fly", as in the insect) when I'd go to Spain to visit relatives.

Alas, most of his wartime pictures went missing shortly my grandmother died, a loss that I feel very deeply. The chance to fly this in a more updated form than the old FS8 version will be a very fitting tribute to the dreadful loss - and eventual healing following, one of the nastiest civil wars of the twentieth century.

Of course, for those outside the Spanish Civil War circle of interest, this little plane played interesting roles in either pre- or early WWII action from as far as Finland to China. Their significance notwithstanding, BF109s, Spitfires, Mustangs, etc. get a disproportionate extent of FS coverage in my personal view, and this model will be an excellent way to explore and reflect on history in other theatres and countries.

Bravo for bringing this little plane to life!

Nice!!! I always liked the Rata. I've seen a couple that were pulled out of the Finnish woods, but they were in pretty "ratty" condition when I saw them.
It's a tribute to their original sturdy construction that these I-16's can be pulled out of weeds, swamp, topsoil etc. and eventually restored to flying status. :)
It's a tribute to their original sturdy construction that these I-16's can be pulled out of weeds, swamp, topsoil etc. and eventually restored to flying status. :)

Not unlike Flight Sim... it's easy to plant one of these in the weeds, swamps, etc. if you let your attention wander at 100 ft and there's a little push on the wrong rudder pedal or the stick. Then there's this momentary pause for "reconstruction" and off we go again... I've got a whole (unnamed) valley full of Rata-bits waiting for the salvage crews.

As the Flight Dynamics get developed it's more and more fun to fly a slalom down a power line.. Until the ground comes up and smiteth one...

Be patient though. All good things take time.
