Simwings GCFV


Charter Member
So, almost yearly the wifey and I fly to Fuerteventura for a week vacation....Unfortunately this year we were not able to. Well, I decided to fly there instead in FS. I have the SimGiants GCFV and liked the texturing but was disappointed that there was no AES support, and also when flying to Simwings Lanzarote from GCFV, FS crashes at the northern tip of Fuerteventura. So I decided to put Simwings GCFV back in and was utterly disappointed at the texturing. So now I am in the process of trying to fix stuff.....One thing I really like is the fact that Simwings made it very easy to edit the textures....If I can just now figure out how to add the missing part of the apron, I will be set! LOL!

Well, this has turned into a bigger project than I expected....One of the wifey's coworkers is a private pilot who flies with his son often to Fuerteventura. His son asked me very nicely if I would be able to redo it. I told him I was in the process of doing it already.....So I got ADE and have been plugging on this all is what I have....all the ground poly textures are my own creations...Used photos that were provided....

