Since seaplanes are all the rage

If that isn't a Catalina cockpit I'm the emperor of China or something. Every shape matches - the bulge on the nose, the triangular front side windows, the high wing, American gauges all around. Looking very good.
Jeeze I hope yer right! I just recalled the front turret in the 501 (and the need fer a pit)
If that isn't a Catalina cockpit I'm the emperor of China or something. Every shape matches - the bulge on the nose, the triangular front side windows, the high wing, American gauges all around. Looking very good. the screenies are called "catleft" and "cat right", but don't give up your imperial asperations yet Greycap.raf.

yup, its a vc for Ted's cat


Thanks for doing this for us. We have been waiting for a PBY for a long time and now with you and Ted working on it it will be an exceptional aircraft. I think Al is already coking up some big time missions for it.:woot:

Steve the screenies are called "catleft" and "cat right", but don't give up your imperial asperations yet Greycap.raf.


Greycap.. as an emperor.. wouldn't that be bit like government run by Microsoft? :caked: