Sinking the bismarck


Charter Member
Dear People at SOH I have been trying effortlessly to install one of groundcrews old missions of sinking the Bismarck with the swordfish and even though
I install the ships the mission builder will not recognise the ships and I have installed them to the letter but it will not have it does anyone have the original files for this if so could they be good enough to forward them on to me by download I would be very grateful

Sinking the Bismarck

My first question is where did you install the ships? Did you install them in your CFS3 or ETO add on? The pathway of the zip is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3. The pathway depends on what application you are running.

I am running Windows 7 Professional. My pathway for the zip is : C:\Program files(x86)\Microsoft Games\ CFS3 ETO Expansion.
The ships loaded correctly and the Mission loaded.

Recheck the pathway?

Ships - fault checking

Once you have the ships installed, and have deleted any original .bdp files that came with the ships, run the game once. Then check the ship folders. If there is anything wrong, a bdp file will not be generated, which is a strong clue that you are missing a gun or weapon file/folder required by the ship.

Good luck!
Misions okay now

Hi everybody Just to let you know that I have got the missions working
Thanks for your response guys
