


Is it just me..or is it the best feeling in the world, when you send them down in flames?...MUhahahahahah

(perhaps there is a small part of Mannock in us all?)
Hey, Widow - taken some German tabletts? Your laughter sounded like someone I know...(Lol!)
I like it because dry kills seem easier to confirm than wet kills :jump:

Also, I do enjoy watching the fireworks, when I have the chance. Usually there isn't, so I pause the game for a quick look, then back to the fight.
Ain't that the truth! I know I've given up a few kill claims because I was unable to watch them go down for sure, due to some twirling Englishmen about to crawl up my arse!

I have noticed I have gotten better and better at aiming for the engine to get that beauty of a flame to start flickering, that way I KNOW they are going down and can plot the position and forget about it, leaving me to concentrate on the others. I now try to do this with each "victim".

Karma tells me a toasty death awaits Axle Von Muscletron though....
Well, I still feel a bit - ashamed? - don't know how to call it - when I shoot a plane to flames.
But I had it to happen twice today. My group of Jasta 12 (yes, WIDOWMAKER, I'll come and get you! Mmmuahahahaaa!!!) encountered a flight of 4 BE2c's, and I ordered "attack".
Strange, that these rear gunners didn't do very much - I managed to shoot up two of them; first they smoked darkly, then they began to burn.
But, yes, it's tricky to tell, WERE and WHEN they finally went down - for the report.