Skin Error Message


Charter Member
Greetings all,

One of my British pilots is enlisted in a group using the Bristol Scout. After not having any trouble with him, I now have an issue where whenever I come back from QC to the Off Manager QC page, I get a message something like this in an OFF Manager Box:

"No skin in player craft textures. File needed: \CFSWWI . . .\Aircraft\Bris_Scout_A_Sqd\textures\"

I'm not sure the two events are connected, but I remember it started happening after trying the change the default skin to that of Lanoe George Hawker from the QC page.

I checked using Windows Explorer (file manager) and confirmed the listed file is not there.

Any ideas how I can correct this? :help:

BTW, I'm loving the game and having a blast, even with my older PC. However, it has given me an uncontrollable desire to upgrade my video card!

Glad you are enjoying. Yes seems to be a problem with the skin naming but it still works - we are aware will look at sometime.
Thanks Pol. I appreciate the response.

Sounds like I may not be the only one experiencing this problem.

No, I experienced it today for the first time as well. Happens whenever I go to QC for an active pilot that flies in a squad with the Scout. I haven't flown the Scout yet, so I don't know if there is any other issue, but am relieved to hear from Pol that it's probably just a name issue.

I thought about copying one of the other Scout .dds files and renaming it to what the error message says and sticking it in the right folder. Didn't want to mess with things though.