Skin Request:


Charter Member
Hi all,

I've recently met a guy whose dad was an ace in a day over Vella Lavella, as we see each other a lot I thought it might be fun to give him a chance to fly his dad's plane in PTO sometime, might even try to recreate his mission. I've attached a few pics if anyone is interested. One is from FSX which showed some other angles better, but it's the wrong model. Should be a P-40M - the P-40K model ought to work as they were quite similar. Thanks for any help, we appreciate it!

When one of Our Masters with the time, do the skin,

I would be pleased to do a few missions for this..
just will need some mission information (Who/Where/When etc..) on all of this..
Thanks for the offer Owen! The Pilot is Joseph Lesicka, (a Lt. at the time I think) of the 44th FS, 18th FG based out of Guadalcanal (not sure which airfield). The mission in question was a CAP over Vella La Vella on July 15th 1943. I'm not certain what model of P-40 they were flying, F, K, or M, or maybe a mixture. Lesicka had a K or an M I think. Along with a few other Marine or Navy units intercepted a large Japanese formation consiting of Zeros, Kates, and Bettys. I don't know what the target was though. Not sure what the total losses were that day but it was a bad day for the Japanese. US casualties were presumably light, but I did find reference to the 44th's CO being KIA that day so it may have been a tougher fight, I don't know. More research is definitely needed to get a clear picture of the events.
The 44th FS, 18th FG flew from Fighter Strip 1 on Guadacanal and arrived on on December 20,1942.Their first missin was December 21,1942..Along with other USAAF ( P38s ) and USMC ( Corsairs ) fighters they intercepted 27 Japanese bombers ( 15 shot down ) and 40 to 50 Zekes ( 30 shot down ). They lost 3 aircraft. I have done a few 44th FS missions a couple of years ago.
Fantastic information Talon! Did you do this one for CFS2? Perhaps I could try to convert it over? I love your attention to the real events in your missions.
I can work on the skin if there are no other takers. Does anyone have a photo of Lt. Lesicka ( even as an older veteran would work) so I can do this as part of the Ghost In The Machine series?
By Vella La Vella on July 15th 1943.

Not a real good texture so will wait for MajorMagee to do one.
Fantastic information Talon! Did you do this one for CFS2? Perhaps I could try to convert it over? I love your attention to the real events in your missions.

The missions I have are up to Februay 1943 but I have researched the 44th FS at Guadacanal.As a matter of fact I researched the USMC squadrons and Other USAAF squadrons in the Solomons.There could be alot of missions ( 150 to 200 ) done if someone wanted to do them.
Wow, sounds really good. It's a bigger bite than I can chew right now as I've got several projects going, but perhaps you could pass on what you have for that day? I could manage that. It would be really cool if 44th campaign or something like that could be created at some point. Thanks.

Wow, sounds really good. It's a bigger bite than I can chew right now as I've got several projects going, but perhaps you could pass on what you have for that day? I could manage that. It would be really cool if 44th campaign or something like that could be created at some point. Thanks.


Sounds like a job for the mission builder Guru.

I have no real interest in doing missions anymore but have been working on fixing some planes that like to nose dive when used in air start or as they come out of warp.Seems to be an airfile issue and so far I have gotten 2 planes to stop nose diving. I'm still testing as I go along.
I had that issue on a few planes, the F2A being one of them, but found it had to do with the flight model not being set to "hard" in the realism settings. Not sure if this is the same problem you're having or not.

Also, I have gotten a good picture of Lesicka for you Major. It's from when he was awarded the DFC following this action.
I set the model up with the shine values modified for having Specular Textures turned on in Win 7 as that's how I'm running mine now. It may look a bit flat for everyone else.

CE8 through CEA are 30 versus the original value of E5 and CEF is 42 versus 40. You can hex edit them back if you want more shine in XP.
Beautiful!! Thanks Major..
I always look forward to your work..
I will download this and have a look at it all....

Perhaps Talon is free to do a campaign this he does have all the needed info for this..
Too Cool!!
:applause: :applause: :applause:

WOW!! I found skins for this in BMP format..
I was looking into this and found much info, which is nice..
and also found skins for this Bird IL2, but to me they look like the BMP format used in cfs3, I wonder with Martain Wrights converter tool that a DDS files might work in CFS3 too??
Just guessing here, not a "skinner"don't have those skills..
Thanks Much Major for the beautiful bird, and yea I am researching this and have a mission set up for this in the starting stage..
off to wreck a few Japanese aircraft..

HH The screenshot I put up is the IL2 skin.I coverted it so it would work in CFS3 but also had to add a few things so it would work right.