Skinnig Help Please


Charter Member
How do i convert PDF files into BMP?? I have the wonderful DXTBmp program from Martin Wright. Today converted several BMP to ,DDS files and built a couple of new aircraft skins (first time). But I have several PDF files I need to convert to BMP's so I can make them into skins..Any help will be welcome
thanks HouseHobbit
If you have a full version of Acrobat, or PhotoShop then it's a direct import, but the simplest way is to hit Alt + Print Scrn, and then paste the clipboard contents into a new image file. Crop away the surrounding trash and you have your picture. Just be sure you've made the part of the pdf you want as big as you can because you'll only get as much detail as you can see on the screen when you grab the image.
PaintShop Pro will also import .pdf files directly. But in Acrobat Reader you can zoom right in to the picture you want, right-click and choose Select Tool, select as much of the picture as you want, right-click again and choose Copy Image. Then paste the image into whichever graphics editor you like and save as a bitmap.

Simples! :mixedsmi:
Thank you very much for your help..I am trying to learn all of this..And your help is a blessing.. Major Magee I did my time in the Army and have GREAT memories.. I was a enlisted man, I hope that you are well, BRAVO to all our VETS..Thank you..
House Hobbit
I use when I do this kind of stuff. You can look at different programs and use the one that fits you the best. I'm not a modeler so listen to the ones that are.
Good Luck, glad to see you are inserted in this part of CFS3.:guinness: