skinning help


Charter Member 2014
Hi people's I would like to do this skin for the MkXIV spit, but am a bit doubious about the red bands, does anyone know if RAF. spits used this colour of band in WWII, also i am sure the camo should be green and grey. thanks for your help.
According the the RAF color chart that I use for skinning, there was only one red shade used by the RAF during that time period

[FONT=&quot]Dull Roundel Red[/FONT]: used for insignia 1941 - 1946
RGB code: 144, 90, 76

How accurate and complete is the color chart I am using? Can't say for sure. The fella who put it together went around to air shows and museums and used a number of paint chip books to find as close of a match as he could for the colors used on various planes, then used some sort of color matcher thingie to get the RGB codes. How accurate were the colors on the planes he used for reference? Unless someone can invert a time machine and go back to WW2 and take paint samples from newly painted aircraft, we can not really know for sure the exact colors used on the planes.

After 1941, the standard camo colors were Dark Green (80, 77, 64) and Medium Sea Gray (143, 147, 150) over a Sky (182, 196, 171) under surfaces. But who is to say that this plane was painted in a standard camo scheme. Could have been a repaired aircraft and painted with whatever paint was on hand....luckily, since this is a simulator a little lee way is permitted by the majority of users.

Hi Jimmy,

thats an unsusual skin, the red colour band is a section leader identification. these bands were 20 inches across and were painted in Royal Red, true Blue, black, white and a couple of others that slip my mind.

whereas the normal fuse bands on the other aircraft in the section were 18 inches across, these where usually sky grey as per the spinner colour.

the DV code letters suggest 129 squadron RAF.


regards Rob.

PS I use this colour chart for RAF stuff.
I don't know if the red band is historically accurate but it sure is ugly!


As Sqn. Ldr. 'Ginger' Lacey, Said when his squadron was issued with the Mk14 Bubble top, "This isn't a bloody spitfire" and refused to fly it, so normal Mk14's were sent out to him.

Thanks OBIO, Cptn Winters,