Skins for ETO Mustang I


Charter Member
Whilst working on a Warbirds campaign for ETO, I came across the Mustang I (A-36) which had been very generously provided by Sky Unlimited. It comes with a British skin.

I've just had a look at the Sky Unlimited site, and there is a downloadable skin pack freely available for the Mustang pack (which itself is payware, not freeware). In the free skin pack are some great skins which work well as stand-alones for the ETO Mustang I.

My question is, what is the protocol for this? Presumably I can make up some stand-alones for my personal use. But can someone upload stand-alones (using the skin pack) for use with ETO Mustang I?
My install of ETO has 4 versions of the Sky Unlimited mustang.

The readme says


Thank you to Sky Unlimited for sharing one of their excellent Payware CFS3 models. If you like this plane, then please visit the web site and purchase the full pack.

Model by Sky Unlimited. Used with permission.
Hard to say, since the Mk.I model has effectively been released as freeware. I would get in touch and ask permission, but you may be able to upload your standalones of just that model. You certainly could make them for your own use. I do recommend purchasing the full package if you haven't yet, it's very complete and has nice models.
Amen Gecko . A great buy for Mustang lovers.Well worth it as far as payware goes. Would love to see some skins for the plane pack.
Didn't know there was other skins for the SU Mustangs. Looked at the SU site and couldn't find any thing.

If you buy the full set, you get a folder called Mustang repaints with many many new skins for all the different variants. but you need to buy the pack, I'm pretty sure there not available as a separate package.

regards Rob.
It will download the extra skins if you click on the CFS3 Repaint kit listed on the View Aircraft Detail page. I thought I was downloading a paint kit for the P-51A but it was the extra skins. didn't have to purchase the package.
It will download the extra skins if you click on the CFS3 Repaint kit listed on the View Aircraft Detail page. I thought I was downloading a paint kit for the P-51A but it was the extra skins. didn't have to purchase the package.

Yes, that was the one! Now I have lots of skins, but need to purchase the additional aircraft. Meanwhile I have some purdy skins for the Mustang I (A36). When next at my cfs3 'puter will post some screenies.