Skip tower view?


Charter Member 2016
Is there any way to skip the tower view while cycling views in FS9? Are there any gauges that allow this, or programs that can do this?
I have dsd_view_skip gauge set up to skip all of the 2D panel or VC views (as the case may be) on all of my aircraft - and I love it. It doesn't allow skipping the tower or spot views though! I don't really ever use the tower view - in fact, with my useage patterns, it is rather more of a nusience than anything. Is there any way to skip past it?
I dunno about skipping that view completely, but you can replace it with something not so useless.

Active Camera provides a Fly By view that replaces the tower view. Active Camera is an old payware program, now freeware, with many other features. I'm not sure if it works in operating systems newer than WinXP.

There is also a freeware program that will just replace the tower view with a fly by view. It's Fly By Module by Valery Stenin.
"FlyBy.dll is a stand-alone add-on module which enables Fly By view when FS is in Tower View mode."

As the name suggests, the fly by view places the eyepoint in a location where you can watch the plane you're flying go flying past you. It's kinda like the tower view might look if you were buzzing the tower, but the eyepoint is near your flight path rather than at the nearest tower. I like it quite a lot. Zooooom!!!!

Both of these programs are available at AvSim.
Seems like there is also a program that will place the tower view at the closest airport to your airplane as you fly by it. I haven't tried it and I'm not even sure where to get it, but it sounds like it would be a little more useful than the stock tower view.

You probably already know this, but from the "map view" you can click and drag your tower to anywhere on the map and relocate it. When you do though, you'll need to reset the elevation of the tower to the location you move it to as it, by default, uses your airplanes altitude when you do this.

I use a little program called FlyBy or something like that. It takes away the tower view and gives you a view as if you were beside your aircraft watching it go past.

======FS2004 Fly By Module v1.2. Freeware by Valery Stenin.
May 2004.

FlyBy.dll is a stand-alone add-on module which enables Fly By view when FS is in Tower View mode. For use with MS FS2004 only.
The idea of such software is not new, but it seems there is no stand-alone freeware program of this kind for FS2004 till now. So I hope this module will be useful for flightsimmers community.

Unzip and copy FlyBy.dll into Fs2004 ...\Modules folder.=======


Still available at Avsim.
Seems like there is also a program that will place the tower view at the closest airport to your airplane as you fly by it. I haven't tried it and I'm not even sure where to get it, but it sounds like it would be a little more useful than the stock tower view.

You probably already know this, but from the "map view" you can click and drag your tower to anywhere on the map and relocate it. When you do though, you'll need to reset the elevation of the tower to the location you move it to as it, by default, uses your airplanes altitude when you do this.

That program is "AUTOWER211.ZIP". I checked and it is at It works as advertised, no problems.
I'll go with the others in the post who have the Fly By module, it's a super add-on, as is F1 View, though F1 View has no effect on ousting the Tower View.

Sorry about that Mick, I only read the bit about Active Camera and have only just read the rest of your post. Doh.:isadizzy:


I use a little program called FlyBy or something like that. It takes away the tower view and gives you a view as if you were beside your aircraft watching it go past.

======FS2004 Fly By Module v1.2. Freeware by Valery Stenin.
May 2004.

FlyBy.dll is a stand-alone add-on module which enables Fly By view when FS is in Tower View mode. For use with MS FS2004 only.
The idea of such software is not new, but it seems there is no stand-alone freeware program of this kind for FS2004 till now. So I hope this module will be useful for flightsimmers community.

Unzip and copy FlyBy.dll into Fs2004 ...\Modules folder.=======


Still available at Avsim.

Andy again.
Rob Barendregt did a xml gauge that allows you to edit it to skip any view you wish. I think he released it as a 2d skip gauge, but he included directions on how to edit it to your taste. I created versions to skip the 2d, vc, or tower for use as I find appropriate. You can even program it to skip more than one view with one gauge.
Rob Barendregt did a xml gauge that allows you to edit it to skip any view you wish. I think he released it as a 2d skip gauge, but he included directions on how to edit it to your taste. I created versions to skip the 2d, vc, or tower for use as I find appropriate. You can even program it to skip more than one view with one gauge.
Really? That is what I'm looking for. The dsd_view_skip gauge I'm using right now is a .gau, so I couldn't edit it to do what I wanted.
Where can I find this .xml gauge that you speak of?
Here is the text from the xml gauge:


<Gauge Name="ViewSkip" Version="1.1">
This FS9-ONLY gauge allows you suppress one or more views when cycling forward
or backward through the views, with the (default) FS "S" or "Shift+S" commands.

To install:
- In the main \Gauges folder, create a subfolder \rcb-gauges (if not there allready)
and copy this XML gauge to this \Gauges\rcb-gauges\ folder.
- Add the gauge to the panel.cfg, preferably in the VCockpit01 section, as
Where XX is a unique number in that section.

To configure:
In the code between ************** below, change the "0" into a "1" for each
view you want to skip. As defined below, it skips the Tower View only.
Note: there must be at least one view left !!

Rob Barendregt, May 16 2011

<Update Frequency="6"/>

<On Event="VIEW_MODE">1 (>G:Var1)</On>
<On Event="VIEW_MODE_REV">0 (>G:Var1)</On>

(********** Configure views to skip **********)
(* 0: Enable View ****************************)
(* 1: Skip View ******************************)
0 (*** 2D-Cockpit view ******) (>G:Var6)
0 (*** 3D-VC view ***********) (>G:Var7)
1 (*** Tower view ***********) (>G:Var8)
0 (*** Spotplane view *****(*) (>G:Var9)
(*********** end of configuration ************)

(P:ACTIVE VIEW MODE,enum) 1 == (G:Var6) &&
(P:ACTIVE VIEW MODE,enum) 2 == (G:Var7) && ||
(P:ACTIVE VIEW MODE,enum) 3 == (G:Var8) && ||
(P:ACTIVE VIEW MODE,enum) 4 == (G:Var9) && ||
if{ (>K:VIEW_MODE) }
els{ (>K:VIEW_MODE_REV) }



You can see that not only is the "gauge" enclosed, but also instructions on how to modify it. I saved versions to skip 2d, vc, and tower, as well as one to skip both tower and 2d to use as I see fit. I don't know how to create a xml gauge from scratch so I copied and renamed an existing gauge, then opened it with notepad and overwrote the original text with this and saved it thus creating a new gauge, like magic!