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    Library How to

Skysim DC-9 controls P3D

gray eagle

With Skysim DC-9 in P3D V5 the nose gear steering is not responsive and the rudder wiggles back and forth in P3D V5. When it first loads in the sim it seems to be ok for a
mili second the the nose gear will not turn and the rudder flaps back and forth. If I select other aircraft, they will steer just fine.
Can you post the 'Contact Points' section from the aircraft.cfg file so that I can check how they have it set up. It doesn't load with the AP, flight director and/or yaw damper engaged by default does it?
Can you post the 'Contact Points' section from the aircraft.cfg file so that I can check how they have it set up. It doesn't load with the AP, flight director and/or yaw damper engaged by default does it?
Can you post the 'Contact Points' section from the aircraft.cfg file so that I can check how they have it set up. It doesn't load with the AP, flight director and/or yaw damper engaged by default does it?
Not sure how much of this you need but here goes - thanks for looking into this.

static_pitch = -0.511
static_cg_height = 8.315
tailwheel_lock = 0
gear_system_type = 1
max_number_of_points = 7

point.0 = 1, -8.11, 0, -6.05, 1574.803, 0, 1.2, 80, 0.4, 3.0, 0.5, 10, 11, 0, 260, 230
point.1 = 1, -61.9, -8.333, -7.32, 1574.803, 1, 1.63, 0, 1.19, 1.7, 0.8, 8.5, 10, 2, 260, 230
point.2 = 1, -61.9, 8.333, -7.32, 1574.803, 2, 1.63, 0, 1.19, 1.7, 0.8, 10, 9, 3, 260, 230
point.3 = 2, -72.42, -45.917, 1.25, 1574.803, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0
point.4 = 2, -72.42, 45.917, 1.25, 1574.803, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0
point.5 = 2, -3.142, 0, -1.358, 1574.803, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0
point.6 = 2, -88.73, 0, -0.7747, 1574.803, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0

Not sure I understand the load questions.
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Just for grins, I tried it in P3D V4.5 and results are the same. The slats show no movement, the rudder jumps wildly from left to right and nose gear
stearing is non existent.


  • Capture.JPG
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I just checked the contact point info for all my biz jets and commercial airliners and noticed something rather interesting. The value shown below in column 7 in red for your aircraft seems excessively large:

point.0 = 1, -8.11, 0, -6.05, 1574.803, 0, 1.2, 80, 0.4, 3.0 , 0.5, 10, 11, 0, 260, 230

This value represents the steer angle for the nose (or tail) wheel in degrees (if it says 180 it is for a castoring tail wheel) and in all my checked aircraft this is somewhere between 35 and 65 degrees and this value is to either side of the center-line of the aircraft. This means that your nose wheel can effectively turn almost completely sideways to the normal direction of travel on either side! This excessive amount could cause some issues like the ones you describe for the steering. I suggest you reduce the 80 value to say 65 (or less) then save the file and test (don't forget to reload the aircraft in the sim, change aircraft type and change back or restart the sim if you don't have a 'reload aircraft' key assigned yet). You can play around with this value until you find something you like. Hopefully that will help with the nose gear problem.

If you are interest this is what all the other values are for:

//0 Class (1= landing gear/2= scrape point/3= skid point /4= float/5= water rudder)
//1 Longitudinal Position (feet from reference datum)
//2 Lateral Position (feet from reference datum, minus=Left, plus=Right )
//3 Vertical Position (feet from reference datum)
//4 Impact Damage Threshold (Feet Per Minute)
//5 Brake Map (0=None, 1=Left, 2=Right)
//6 Wheel Radius (feet)
//7 Steer Angle (degrees)
//8 Static Compression (feet) (0 if rigid)
//9 Max/Static Compression Ratio (max compression/static compression)
//10 Damping Ratio (0=Undamped, 1=Critically Damped)
//11 Extension Time (seconds)
//12 Retraction Time (seconds)
//13 Sound Type (0=Center gear 1=Auxiliary gear 2=Left gear 3=Right gear 4=Fuselage scrape 5=Left wing scrape 6=Right wing scrape 7=Aux. scrape#1 8=Aux. Scrape#2 9= Tail scrape
//14 IAS limit gear retraction (KIAS)
//15 IAS gear damage at (KIAS)

The 'load' question I asked was referring to the status of the autopilot when the aircraft first loads into the sim and whether any of the noted items (Autopilot Master (AP), Flight Director (FD) or Yaw Damper (YD)) were activated as soon as the aircraft initializes. If they are active then that/those could be causing the rudder movement.
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I believe I have the Skysim DC9 somewhere but their site says FSX not P3D which could very well be the problem. Now I just saw at SimMarket that they are selling it as P3D V3/4 but makes me wonder how it can be for both V3 and V4 which as I said above Skysimulations doesn't say anything about P3D. I take that back I must have gone to an old SkySimulation tab because when I put in Skhysim DC9 for P3D it came up with a P3D version but in the minimum requirements it says P3D V2 or higher nothing about V4 or V5 specifically.
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I believe I have the Skysim DC9 somewhere but their site says FSX not P3D which could very well be the problem. Now I just saw at SimMarket that they are selling it as P3D V3/4 but makes me wonder how it can be for both V3 and V4 which as I said above Skysimulations doesn't say anything about P3D. I take that back I must have gone to an old SkySimulation tab because when I put in Skhysim DC9 for P3D it came up with a P3D version but in the minimum requirements it says P3D V2 or higher nothing about V4 or V5 specifically.
As you can see, options are for either P3D 3 or 4. I managed to point the install to P3D V5
At any rate, with a P3D V4 install, issues mentioned are the same with P3D V4 install.

A little sample of what my issues are with the C-9 click on image to view VIDEO

I have to twist the stick to extreme northwest for left turn and extreme south east for right turn. Not normal. Other aircraft just a slight twist left of right for turns.
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Its been a while since I've flown this but definitely check to be sure the yaw damper in the overhead console is off. That will cause rudder flapping on the ground. The first passenger jet I ever saw in person was a Southern Airlines DC-9. They have always just looked "right" to my eyes!
Its been a while since I've flown this but definitely check to be sure the yaw damper in the overhead console is off. That will cause rudder flapping on the ground. The first passenger jet I ever saw in person was a Southern Airlines DC-9. They have always just looked "right" to my eyes!
It worked once then went back to its old ways. I may just bin this one. Thanks anyway.
I may go with the Cool sky version. I watched a demo of it in P3dV5.4 and looks like no issues, including the ones I have with Skysim version.
The Coolsky DC9 is pretty good and performs with no problems in my P3Dv4 installation.
A bit flaky in v5.
DC9-40 N753NW Delta Airlines_000.jpg
The Coolsky DC9 is pretty good and performs with no problems in my P3Dv4 installation.
A bit flaky in v5.
Thanks for the info. When you say flakey in P3D V5, is it like as my attached video above? While on ground taxi and at idle, the rudder flaps back and forth as per my video, until take off then the rudder will not move freely left or right with my logitech. The video I posted was in P:3D V4.5
and also elevator will move up and down when I try to move it with my stick.
I didn't have all the hassles you outlined above but in my case it was one aileron up and one down, both elevators locked down and no controls working at all! Ground steering wasn't to bad but it was less than ideal.
I did find a pretty good bundle on Rickoo(?) derived from the SGA series which was surprisingly good, but I will need to dig through 4 backup drives to find it. I'll let you know if I find them.
I didn't have all the hassles you outlined above but in my case it was one aileron up and one down, both elevators locked down and no controls working at all! Ground steering wasn't to bad but it was less than ideal.
I did find a pretty good bundle on Rickoo(?) derived from the SGA series which was surprisingly good, but I will need to dig through 4 backup drives to find it. I'll let you know if I find them.
Was it this one?
Thats the one. Cockpit is a bit average, but it flies nicely and gives me little or no hassles.
All the control surfaces work as they should it tracks along the white line with little effort.
Worth a try GE.
Might be little elderly but it scratches my DC9 itch.
The Coolsky version is good, but it is a little overpriced.
Thats the one. Cockpit is a bit average, but it flies nicely and gives me little or no hassles.
All the control surfaces work as they should it tracks along the white line with little effort.
Worth a try GE.
Might be little elderly but it scratches my DC9 itch.
The Coolsky version is good, but it is a little overpriced.
I got the Rickoo one installed and all controls work well, wonder if a way to swap the Skysim cockpit to the Rickroo one?
I agree, the Cool sky one is overpriced. Now if I could also find a C-9 SKytrain paint that would work. That livery I like a lot.
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I stumbled on to a forum which discussed issues with flight controls for the SS DC-9 and lo and behold I located some switches that turned on some of the hydraulic pumps. Once I located and turned them on, the rudder and elevator issues disappeared. In a real DC-9 there's two switches on the F/O side of the main panel that are OFF-LOW-HI switches for the engine hydraulic pumps. You need LOW for flight controls and HI for flaps and gear.

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