SkySpirit Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental First Flight


Charter Member 2011
Within days of the real thing, Hiroshi Igami's superbly modelled FS9 plane takes off.


The wing is a complex multicurve affair which flexes with load and speed - masterful, see flexed position below.
I could live without the lingering "Damage" effects though...
Jakob Klein's lighting gauges also up the ante for FS9. The landing lights really look like landing lights, strobes splash on the ground, and best of all, the lights go down to pinpricks with distance (see centre inset).


This is a very important aircraft for Boeing, it claims a 6% seat-mile cost saving over the A380, which makes compelling reading for airline execs.
This FS9 model does it proud.
I've had this in my collection since Hiroshi released the blank white beta to donors and mods over at what used to be Posky. If you've already flown the 747-8F, then you already have a sense of what this is like. If not, you really need to go get this one!

I fly it from yesterday ...
Very nice model
I have just a little complain .. and it's about the power ..
As usual .. it's a rocket :)
At 10.000 feet .. max load - max fuel .. level fly ...I must almost close the throttles to near iddle for avoid over speed and maintain 320 knots (no wind)
I can climb at incredible speed with rate climb of 3 to 4000 feet/min :)
So (not yet) I will reduce the power and try to find a good balance
All the rest of this new model is perfect :)
Yes and getting it off the ground is a little problematic too!
(See my smoking engines, smashed into the boundary fence after a flatout run ending in panickstricken full flaps, all the way down the KSEA main runway.)
And it was not the usual POSKY problem of an aircraft that default loads over max weight, I checked first.
After all this time of B747 you'd hope someone somewhere has a good set of FD for this beautiful bird.

And the model just begs for a VC to the same amazing standard as their B777

Mike it's at
Yes and getting it off the ground is a little problematic too!
(See my smoking engines, smashed into the boundary fence after a flatout run ending in panickstricken full flaps, all the way down the KSEA main runway.)
And it was not the usual POSKY problem of an aircraft that default loads over max weight, I checked first.
After all this time of B747 you'd hope someone somewhere has a good set of FD for this beautiful bird.

And the model just begs for a VC to the same amazing standard as their B777

Mike it's at

Chhers for that Charl ! Mike :ernae:
I'll wait to see if the real world claims will be substantiated....paper is very patient.
I had a close encounter with the test aircraft a week ago when it crossed over my home base at 3000' without switching to our frequency after leaving the KONT airport class D on the way back to it's temporary base at KSBD. About 500' separation :jump:

***** : why did you run full flaps ?? For the 747 that is only a landing configuration as far as I know. Too much drag to accelerate over compared to the additional lift. 15 or 20 degrees should be the max setting for a MTOW run.

I think probably it wasn't trimmed properly, as claudius24 surmises... (nice clip there).
Still I had the stick (yoke?) full back at 155kt and no go!
That's when I let the flaps out, hoping to jump the fence.
Once airborne, it overspeeds in a trice.

Scary story about your near miss...
I saw the Dash 8 take off in front of me in Fairbanks last month, up for cold weather test. Even the current -400 is a real sky rocket when not super heavy. 350 knots and 6000 fpm is a good start and indeed if you want to level off at say 10,000 ft, power comes way back!

Looking fwd to flying te new bird, perhaps this fall, we have a couple sitting in the yard at Everett right now.

Cheers: T
Remember that today's engines are pretty much overkill at low altitudes. I've seen empty 772's leave GSO with less than a 4000' roll and nearly 30° initial pitch.
Why am I having problems having the model show up in FS2004?
Unzipped as per instructions and added the effects to the effects folder-no go ,does not show up What am I doing wrong?

Because in their wisdom, the creators have called it a SkySpirit2011! and that's what you should look for in the aircraft selection menu!
I always rename POSKY aircraft in the aircraft.cfg so I can find them:
ui_type=747-8I SkySpirit2011
ui_variation=Boeing First Flight Livery
Because in their wisdom, the creators have called it a SkySpirit2011! and that's what you should look for in the aircraft selection menu!
I always rename POSKY aircraft in the aircraft.cfg so I can find them:
ui_type=747-8I SkySpirit2011
ui_variation=Boeing First Flight Livery

That worked....:salute:

Does this thing have a VC, cann'a find one. In the description it calls it a BCF, which is a pax bird converted to a freighter (have flown these) with the GE CF6-80C2B1, which is not the engine on the -8.... but what you might find on a BCF 400.

Cheers: T
No mentioned above.
Would be great to see something as good as the POSKY B777 VC.
I've sorted the low-level performance by using the bottom 5% of the throttle quadrant, and a lot of autothrottle very early in the piece.
It certainly does not blink at 6,000fpm initial climb, never realised something this large would do that.
Full chat at FL 370 gives M=0.92 wonder if that's reasonable?