Skyunlimited P-38....Thoughts?


Charter Member
Here is my deal. I currently own 2 (yes...2!) payware Lightnings: The donationware one, and the Aeroplane Heaven P-38 pack. I wasn't terribly happy with the donationware one, and for whatever reason, no matter what I try, the AH one brings my system to a crwal when switching views and loading in general. BUT...I am a hard-core P-38 fan, and noticed (don't know how i missed it) that Skyunlimited has a P-38 pack available. Does anyone have it? Any thoughts? Its only $15 for the download version, so the price is right. Any input would be appreciated! Thanks!
Easy answer. Buy it.

I have the SU Lighting as my default a/c. The basic package is quite good. A lot of animations, good modeling, good flight dynamics, and a lot of other good stuff. For $15 its a bargain.

I reviewed it. Buy it. :) My favorite was the K model with the paddle bladed props. Very cool plane.
So I bought the Volume 1 pack yesterday. I flew the livin' heck out of it...and it is excellent. Very, very nice addon. Definitely the most well-rounded P-38 pack I have seen for FS9.

.....Which brings me to another question....I also have been looking for a good T-6 Texan for FS9. I know Alphasim has one, and see that Skyunlimited has an offering as well. Does anyone have experience with both? Based solely on my recent experience with the P-38, I would seriously consider the Skyunlimited offering. But not before hearing people's thoughts on it....
I bought SU's Texan when it came out and I really like everything about it. I don't have AlphaSim's Texan so I can't compare, but what I do have is a winner.

The FS9 Texan/Harvard package just got a major upgrade about 3 months ago. Two new planes were added to the set (SNJ-4C and post-war Harvard MkII) and a static scenery version of the USS Monterey is also included. The planes have an upgraded visibility system ( no more hunting for switches hidden under the pilot seat) which allows you to turn the guy in back on or off, and turn various antennas on and off and where it applies, the spinner on and off, allowing you a very flexible system. And the biggest improvement was in the area of having a custom sound system installed. So now all the switches (save one) not only animate and show a tool tip identifying what they are, but there are now "clicks" that you hear when you flip the switches. A warning horn for the landing gear was also added to some of the variants. If you're flying and cut the engine to idle and the gear are still up, you'll hear about it.