Slewing Question


Retired SOH Admin
Hit Y and slew is active. Joystick control forward, back, left and right.

How do I go up and down in slew mode? Using The Dude, how can I get him up on top of something?

Also, F3 for up slow; F4 for up fast.. F2 to lock altitude, and F1 for down fast.

There are also roll and turn controls in the Home, End, Page up, Page down sections..

You can map different keys through the "Settings/Assignments" dialogue.
In slew mode I have 1,2,3,4,5,6 for "fast down", in steps up to "fast up"
It took me about half an hour to get The Dude set upon Tempelhof's roof:
The Slew mode sometimes reacts so weird that our lazy friend zooms away with 2.2 Mach when quitting. One of the fastest folding chairs ever seen...

If I am about to set him on a "hard" surface, I tend to use a nice helo (increasing my skills on this tricky kind of aircraft besides) and change the aircraft once settled.
When quitting Slew mode and your aircraft zips away at mach speed it is usually the result of one of two things. Either the aircraft contact points (which may include the static pitch) is slightly off and the sim detects a "crash", thus sending the aircraft into mach flight...or...the sim detects "jitters" from your joystick/yoke.

Anymore, with much better configured aircraft, it is usually the tell-tale leak of electrical impulses from our joystick/yoke....."jitters".

*One tip that I recommend in all slewing scenarios, is after settling the aircraft to ground level with the "A" key (or F1), tap the numlock #5 key, to ensure that the "Freeze All Movement" command has been received by the sim before exiting slew with the Y key. (as presented above, if the contact points are whacked or your joystick is emitting jitters, then you might still be jettisoned into flight, regardless)

There are fixes we can do to correct the jitters:

(my preference)

Turning off your joystick/yoke while in Slew Mode........ permanent
1. Options/Controls/Assignments
2. Select "Joystick Axis" tab
3. Select radio button: Slew mode
4. Select Joystick type: your joystick or yoke from drop list
5. Delete all the joystick assignments (be sure you are on the Slew mode page).
Turning off your joystick/yoke while in Slew Mode........ per session
1. Options/Controls/Disable Joystick
2. Slew using numpad and keyboard commands
3. After slewing is complete, reinstate joystick per line #1.

Slewing allows you to rapidly reposition your aircraft without flying in real time. Use these commands to slew.

Num Lock -- off
Slew Mode On/Off...........Y
Freeze All Movement...................Num Pad 5
Move Forward............................Num Pad 8
Move Backward..........................Num Pad 2
Move Left.................................Num Pad 4
Move Right................................Num Pad 6
Rotate Left................................Num Pad 1
Rotate Right..............................Num Pad 3
Bank Left..................................Num Pad 7
Bank Right.................................Num Pad 9

Set Heading True North/Attitude Straight-and-Level..... SPACEBAR

Move Up Slowly.................Q (or F3).......tap the Q key for increments/hold for increase
Move Down Slowly.............A....................tap the A key for increments/hold for increase

Tilt Nose Up......................9
Tilt Nose Down..................0 (or F7)


Move Up Quickly......................F4
Move Down Quickly..................F1
Freeze Vertical Movement.........F2
Move Nose Up Quickly..............F5
Move Nose Down Quickly..........F8
Freeze Pitch...........................F6


Hope this may be helpful
When you get set where you want to stay, push F1 once before exiting slew mode and you should stay put. IF the building rooftop allows.
Thanks for your answers, gents!
Thinking again about my strange "folding chair overspeed incident" , I come to the conclusion that Tempelhof's roof is not hardened at all.
So The Dude had no other way than just zip away... :rapture:
What about pausing the sim before entering slew mode?
You can enter Slew, slew to position, hit pause, exit slew. Your still paused and your dude is still in position, hit your screen shot proggy between 'sim paused messages' :d

I found my joystick to sensitive for slew, any small amount of movement would send me shooting of at Warp speed 8 into the distance. I used to disable the stick (ctrl+K) and use the num pad keys and function keys, still do to an extent. But I managed to adjust the sensitiveity settings for slew in the cfg file, but forget how.
