Slider adjustments - what has single biggest impact on FPS?



Just wondering about which graphics slider has the biggest impact on FPS?

Based upon my machine and reading the FAQ, I have my sliders set on "medium" (terrain 3, scenery 3, effects 4, cloud 4, aircraft 4) and am getting decent FPS. I'd like to increase it a little bit though, and am wondering, of the settings above, which slider decrease would likely make the single biggest impact? Would it be terrain from 3 to 2, scenery from 3 to 2 or maybe clouds from 4 to 3?

Terrain detail....without a doubt. If you're struggling for frames, back it off some.
we have noticed

worse framerates in phase 3 for some unknown reason. i am uninstalling and moveing to a single core to see if that helps.
so far 3 out of 4 have the burps and have played with the slider's to try and improve.
nio has duel core as well and has fantastic results so we know they can be had.
will report back.

Seeing as you don't fly into clouds anyway, unless you have an E8500 and an 8800, I see No Good Reason for clouds to be above 1

Effects are explosions, fires and most importantly Tracer Fire . .5

Scenery and Terrian looks mighty good at . . 3

Aircraft . . Pol is gonna get pissed, but I run mine on 4

With my 57 year-old eyes, I can't SEE the difference. If you have power to spare, Aircraft on 5 and Clouds on 3

Then the Hot Rods at 5/4/4/5/5
Someone posted some tweaks in another thread that might help. Anyone know where those went?

I could use them myself.

Someone posted some tweaks in another thread that might help. Anyone know where those went?
I could use them myself.

I had some Tweeks by WM, but they're for Phase 2, anybody wants'em

STICKY OFF Tips & Cheats #22 :kilroy:
Someone posted some tweaks in another thread that might help. Anyone know where those went?

I could use them myself.


Maybe this one?

Gousgounis posted this in another thread and 2b posted it a long time ago. Along with the tweaks in the Tips and Cheats, I use this one also, definately helps for improving framerates and less stutters.

C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\default
<Graphics OldAircraftRender="No" MaxFPS="0"/>
Set 0 to any number.

Answering my own question...

A drop in terrain from 3 to 2 saw an increase of fps on my rig of 5-7%.
A drop in clouds from 4 to 3 saw an increase of fps on my rig of 10-12%.

Visually, the drop in terrain made a greater impact than a drop in the clear winner in my case is the drop in clouds.
worse framerates in phase 3 for some unknown reason. i am uninstalling and moveing to a single core to see if that helps.
so far 3 out of 4 have the burps and have played with the slider's to try and improve.
nio has duel core as well and has fantastic results so we know they can be had.
will report back.


PD, rather than uninstalling to a single core system, try this program.

It allows you to run your quad for any specific game/sim to a single core, not to mention a million other options.

Maybe this one?

Gousgounis posted this in another thread and 2b posted it a long time ago. Along with the tweaks in the Tips and Cheats, I use this one also, definately helps for improving framerates and less stutters.

C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\default
<Graphics OldAircraftRender="No" MaxFPS="0"/>
Set 0 to any number.

I tried this and locked my frame rates at 30. It worked well in my quad and now I'm getting constant 28-30 FPS without stutters (OK I get the occasional one but this is not a problem. I have set AF at 16x and AA at 8xQ in the nvidia control panel, instructing also to bypass application settings. My sliders are at 5-4-4-5-5. What I see is a sight to behold.

Locking frame reates might not work in some rigs though. You just have to try it.
PD, rather than uninstalling to a single core system, try this program.

It allows you to run your quad for any specific game/sim to a single core, not to mention a million other options.


I use Nhancer for FS9 and FSX

Can you advise how to in OFF?...there is no profile for OFF or indeed CFS3

thanks m8
Also, just for a your 3D settings (Nvidia Control Panel) you'll find a feature called "Threaded Optimization". Try turning it off while running this particular game.


thanks for all the info fellas. I'll try everything. With this new I7 Quad Core, I do have lower than expected framerates, but man it looks awesome!!! I can see my enemies at very long distances, and the scenery is unreal!!

I knew buying the I7 would yeild this, but I knew there would be a way to fix it. I've also been playing Brothers in Arms: RTH30 again, and man-o-man, on a 24" LCD, it's freaky how real it feels. Especially the scenery.

I have set AF at 16x and AA at 8xQ in the nvidia control panel, instructing also to bypass application settings. My sliders are at 5-4-4-5-5. What I see is a sight to behold.

Hmm AA at 8Q is a lot of anti aliasing. Why do you need so much if you are running your game resolution at a high setting, say, 1600 x1200?
If you are not running that high, then try it higher.
IT IS MOST IMPORTANT to realize that cfs3 and OFF run faster the higher the resolution settings!! This is against the general rule for sims/games, but it is true for CFS3/OFF.

Therefore if you are running at 1600 and above, then you are not likely to need much AA.

I really do wonder how many OFF players do not know about this parameter about resolutions. In the last 24 hours alone i have seen several posts where folks were amazed to find the difference in speed when they learned this, and tried it.
Hmm AA at 8Q is a lot of anti aliasing. Why do you need so much if you are running your game resolution at a high setting, say, 1600 x1200?
If you are not running that high, then try it higher.
IT IS MOST IMPORTANT to realize that cfs3 and OFF run faster the higher the resolution settings!! This is against the general rule for sims/games, but it is true for CFS3/OFF.

Therefore if you are running at 1600 and above, then you are not likely to need much AA.

I really do wonder how many OFF players do not know about this parameter about resolutions. In the last 24 hours alone i have seen several posts where folks were amazed to find the difference in speed when they learned this, and tried it.

Actually my LCD's native res is 1240x1024 max (not very new) and this is the res that I run all my sims. Increased AA helps a lot in clearing the jaggies. I was amazed myself to find out about the reversed effect of the resolution when I first set up OFF P2.
thanks for all the info fellas. I'll try everything. With this new I7 Quad Core, I do have lower than expected framerates, but man it looks awesome!!! I can see my enemies at very long distances, and the scenery is unreal!!


As one who has also just got the I7 Quad, I am just a little apprehensive about your observation re FPS( My dvd hasn't arrived yet, so i'm not able to see for myself yet).
But the new 'puter runs FSX brilliantly fast- almost all sliders completely on the right.
As a matter of interest, what FPS do you get? You get enough do you?
I runs CFS3 stock at 1680 x 1050 X 32 at 60 hz ( limitations of my projector ) and get constant 60 FPS.
(same as Hz rate ), so that suggests there are more available .

I knew buying the I7 would yeild this, but I knew there would be a way to fix it.

What way is that - I've still to be confident about overclocking, or whatever?
Warranties and all that i suppose?
