Slow Engine Start


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I would like to implement Manfreds slow engine start he has in his C-47s,C-119s into other planes. Question is where is it
at. Am assuming it is in the 'aircraft cfg file' under engine data or [ piston_engine ]. Could someone steer me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance

I posted this on FSX forums and got no response as of yet
This is from the default FS2004 Douglas DC3 CFG

thrust_scalar = 1.0 //Propeller thrust scalar
propeller_type= 0 //0=Constant Speed, 1=Fixed Pitch
propeller_diameter= 11.53 //Propeller Diameter, (feet)
propeller_blades= 3 //Number of propeller blades
propeller_moi= 40.2 //Propeller moment of inertia
beta_max= 30.0 //Maximum blade pitch angle for constant speed prop, (degrees)
beta_min= 18.0 //Minimum blade pitch angle for constant speed prop, (degrees)
min_gov_rpm= 1400 //Miminum governed RPM
prop_tc= 0.1 //Prop time-constant
gear_reduction_ratio= 1.778 //Propeller gear reduction ratio
fixed_pitch_beta= 0.0 //Fixed pitch angle of fixed pitch prop, (degrees)
low_speed_theory_limit= 80.0 //Speed at which low speed theory becomes blended in (feet/second)
prop_sync_available= 1 //Prop synchronization available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_deice_available= 1 //Prop de-icing available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_feathering_available= 1 //Prop feathering available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_auto_feathering_available= 0 //Prop auto-feathering available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
min_rpm_for_feather= 700.0 //Minimum RPM for prop feathering
beta_feather= 89.5 //Feathering pitch angle (degrees)
power_absorbed_cf= 0.9 //Coefficient of friction for power absorbed by propeller in feather
defeathering_accumulators_available= 0 //Defeathering accumulators available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
prop_reverse_available= 0 //Prop reverse available? 0=FALSE, 1=TRUE
minimum_on_ground_beta= 0.0 //Miminum pitch angle on ground, (degrees)
minimum_reverse_beta= 0.0 //Minimum pitch angle in reverse, (degrees)
feathering_switches = 1

Methink you have to play (test different values) with the MOI (in bold)
But it can be a problem with the engine sound (not synchro)
Hope it's help