Small explanation about the server crash.

huub vink

Staff member
The cause of the problems with the forums has been identified. A 1Gb+ file with a ETO expansion pack for CFS3 is hosted on our servers.

Due to the large number of simultaneous downloads the servers got overloaded and this had great effects on other processes on the servers. One of those was the fact the databases which contained the posts and threads got corrupt. In this process, which continued like a snowball, the back-ups went corrupt as well.

Well the good news is that we know what went wrong and are able to prevent recurrence. The bad new is that it is not very likely the old threads and posts can be recovered.

The massive file will be left on the server for two weeks then deleted, this gives the CFS3 people time to setup an DVD exchange program.

ONE GIG? Tou mean something like 1024 MB?
Pardon me, but isnt that a "little bit dumb"?
The GWX expansion was 5x200mb, the unified installer 4x250mb... MAW i dont remember even.
The only patch THAT LARGE that i have downloaded...was hosted on the game-makers own site... that was TWO WORLDS, the 1.46 update.

bah...what should i think... lets start over. Glad the hardware didnt melt.:isadizzy:
You want to call folks dumb? Why don't you call me dumb because I posted the link, OK? Stuff happens, man when folks have all the best intentions to provide guys like you something for free that you can while away the hours with. And you take it as some kind of personal affront like somebody specifically chose your parade to rain on. Amazing.:isadizzy:

The actual size was 1.17 Gb. The problem however was not the size of the file, but the fact it was downloaded by 20+ members at the same time for more than 3 days.

Life is a learning process and I can assure you; we learned a lot this weekend and this will not happen again. That doesn't help now, but hopefully it does in the future, although I'm convinced we will make other mistakes in the future.

That's one of the shortcomings of being human,

Bob youre not causing trouble are you?:costumes: nah i know better
this is a chill time
Not chill time at all, Master H... i am boiling.

Middle... cutting such things into pieces is a basic thing....
DVDs i have sent all across the globe, Alaska, a guy from Oregon who didnt get any closer help, Malaysia and New Zealand...

been there, helped to organise that.

dumb? no. shortsighted?...maybe a very tiny little bit.

personal affront?
wth? everybody suffered... an unbelieveable amount of data and knowledge is lost.
i am one of the few (out of thousands) who express their feelings. Maybethe only one, and therefor the only target to shoot at.
Bring on the lead, been there done that.

well... my rant is almost over.
Certainly this forum has suffered less than the others. Just because its so empty.

But that is an other story altogether.

Actually Blaming Middle is a stupid thing to do
he only posted the link and it could have been me that did it
it was an oversight on the Koreanskies site
which is hosted by the SOH
i often download 1 gig files
its when 20 or 30 do it at the same time it becomes a problem
there is no individual to blame
You may be livid but do you think you have any more right
to be mad than any other staff or member
it was an unforeseen accident
and accidents happen:banghead:
we are all and im glad to say Human,
that is how we learn
so my young Friend and you know i am your friend
think a little before you act
or was that an accidental posting :d
A word of support

Nicely said Henry, stuff unfortunately does happen and we learn and move on.

It’s almost like war when a bunch of guys die needlessly, AND THEN they change the rules of engagement. It doesn't bring back the dead but it will help bring home a few more boys.

I have worked in IT for 30 years and would love a dollar for every time I've said “did you do a backup” and the answer was “No” I’d be a wealthy man.

What really makes me sad here is that the only voice heard that has a disparaging note, can find the effort to criticize y’all that put in so much. Yet seem to have a marked aversion to making a donation to help and thank you for all the wonderful work you troops do. No medal shown here. Hell no

Thank you for what you do. It will come back

I’m sure most of the stuff posted on this forum will find it way back with time. There are just too many sharp folks out here that can contribute in so many ways to help the SOH community recover from this wobbly. More power to your elbow guys.

You are much appreciated. :applause:
