small problem in MAW


Charter Member
I have this problem with my MAW install : when I end a mission in the historical section I get a night scene even with daylight missions. This only occurs in the historical section. My what if section and QC opperates OK.:dizzy:
Any ideas on how to correct this ?
I have this problem with my MAW install : when I end a mission in the historical section I get a night scene even with daylight missions. This only occurs in the historical section. My whatif section and QC opperates OK.:dizzy:

Any ideas on how to correct this ?

Bump,Bump !
I have this problem with my MAW install : when I end a mission in the historical section I get a night scene even with daylight missions. This only occurs in the historical section. My what if section and QC opperates OK.:dizzy:
Any ideas on how to correct this ?

Hi gosd, what are one or two of the missions you refer to?

Some of the MAW historical missions start in late afternoon. Depending upon the time of year, perhaps the mission finishes in the evening?

Just guessing here! Also the frontend.xml file in the root Missions folder influences the time of day for the world in which missons take place - have you modified the frontend at all?
Your knowledge of CFS3 never cease to amaze me :encouragement:.
Yes the frontend.xml was the culprit.
The time value had been set at 04:30, how it got ther I do not know.
I Put the value at 11:25 and everything is OK. i Is it the original value?

Not sure of the original value, but my frontend.xml in MAW is set to a time of 0830?

The full text is:
<!--Combat Flight Sim mission-->
<Params Version="3.0" Directive="nothing" Country="Britain" Aircraft="Hurricane IIA HA-E" Airbase="mal004" Date="10/10/1941" Time="08:30" Weather="dr_sheep_clouds.xml" Multiplayer="y" MultiplayerOnly="n" Allowspawn="yes"/>
<Title>Eye Candy</Title>
<Overview>Sit and luk purdy</Overview>
<AirFormation ID="6000" Directive="nothing" Country="Britain" Skill="3" Payload="0" FormType="box">
<Unit ID="9078" Type="DR_Hur_HA-E" Name="BRIGGS" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Route ID="5002">
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="0" IsVisible="y" Lat="N30*51'0.0000"" Lon="E29*43'0.0000"" Alt="0"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="0" IsVisible="y" Lat="N30*51'0.0000"" Lon="E29*43'0.0000"" Alt="1500"/>
<Waypoint Type="landanywhere" Speed="0" IsVisible="y" Lat="N30*51'0.0000"" Lon="E29*43'0.0000"" Alt="2000.00"/>

NB: I've set allowspawn to yes so as to get stuff spawning in the UI. Also I've tried to set skill levels but don't know if this works or not.