smoke trail fix


Anime Adoring Aviator
Before the server crash there was a thread on how to fix smoke trails that glow yellow in the dark. The Dassault Falcon 50 is one of the planes that has this problem.

I did a reinstall and now I don't remember what the fix was. Can someone explain it to me again please.
Open the effect with notepad, look for the particle(s) sections that are Type=19, usually at the bottom of that/those columns is Face=1, 1, 1. Change that (and or those) to Face=0, 0, 1


Lifetime=2.00, 8.50
Type=19 <<<<<<----look for
X Scale=1.00, 1.50
Y Scale=1.00, 1.50
Z Scale=3.00, 3.50
X Scale Rate=0.50, 1.00
Y Scale Rate=0.50, 1.00
Z Scale Rate=0.00, 0.00
Drag=-4.00, -3.98
Color Rate=0.33, 0.40
X Offset=0.00, 0.00
Y Offset=0.00, 0.00
Z Offset=0.00, 0.00
Fade In=0.00, 0.00
Fade Out=0.55, 0.55
Rotation=-180.00, 180.00
Face=1, 1, 1 <<<<<------change to Face=0, 0, 1