Smoking around the Pacific Rim with a B-47

Starting our flight around the Pacific Rim. YPDM to WIIH flying the B-47e
Total fuel at takeoff 66486.6 lbs

We're going to be smoking!
:salute:Landed at WIIH with CN type weather, fog!

Fuel used: 44351.3 lbs
Bonus: 30 min.
:salute:Well, we are off again WIIH to WSSL B-47

Hopefully, our first night landing of three. Fuel: 33309#
:salute:Howdy Folks, well, we landed at WSSL at night so one of three night landing is complete.

Fuel Used: 18066.7
Bonus: 30 mins. for a total of 60 min at this point.
:salute:Well, here we go again. Trying for second night landing. WSSL to WBGS (Sibu< Malaysia)

Total fuel on board: 31787#
:salute:Made it again, but it got daylight before we landed, so doesn't count for night landing, AH....shucks.

Landed at WBGS Time 1:09:33
Fuel used: 17956.8 lbs
Total Time up to WBGS: 7:25 hours
Bonus hours 3:00 hours

More pictures from this flight, One picture is so pink I thought we were in a Powder Puff Derby.
:salute:Howdy fellow racer

Had a good meal, plenty of good coffee, and how taking off for VVTS, and a try for our second night landing.

WBGS to VVTS flying B-47
:salute:Hi all,
We landed at VVTS, and completed another night landing.

Fuel used: 20056.2, for a total of:10043.1
Flight time: 1hr 24mins, for a total of 8hrs and 49 mins
Bonus: 30mins, for a total of 120 mins

And Second night landing completed.
:salute:Off and running agin! This time heading for VVNB. Flying the Boeing B-47. Sure seems that I should be doing something different than landing in North Vietnam! But like before "Blow in, Blow off, and Blow out"!:running:

Leaving VVTS for VVNB, trying for third night landing.
:salute:Make it into Hanoi without any problems. VVTS-to-VHHX completed third night landing.

Fuel used: 20161.1lbs
Flight time: 1:34:24
30 min bonus for North Vietnam

Total fuel used:120591.2
Total hrs: 10:00:57
Total bonus: 120 mins
:salute:On our way to Hong Kong need to see about a new suit. hehe:wiggle:

VVNB to VHHX Flying Boeing B-47:running:
:salute:Hot dog! landed on runway 13,(VHHX) and, if I need to say myself, a great landing!

Fuel used: 14587.1 lbs.
Flt. time: 1:06:11
Bonus for VHHX: 30 mins.

Total fuel used: 135178.3 (Standard Oil is going to send me a bonus check for helping their
stock to jump up on Wall Street.)
Total flt.time: 12:03:36
Total bonus: 150 mins.