Smoothies Display

Matt Wynn

Charter Member
well here we are another year another online season... just taken delivery of my aircraft... and planning a few shows online... so far have Shortlisted displays in Greece, Italy, Germany, UK and the USA... will keep you posted on dates so whoever wants to can join the session and spectate... anyways here's my baby for this year...
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Eye catching paint there Smoothie. Kirk's F-16 is an excellent mainstay.

Do you happen to know where a good working VC can be obtained for it?
sadly not, i just use the VC that comes with it, but have both MFD's displaying something, i think left one i have as a backup for HUD failure and the Right one i have as my Radar screen... i'll do some digging see if i can find anything :salute:
I have the 'Airshow' 2D panel for the Kirk's model. It is pretty nice, but have never found a working VC. That would really top Kirk's model off very nicely.

Kirks viper does come with a VC, not everything is clickable.... but it works, i fly my display from the VC as at times i need to be flying a move while flicking between the show centre marker and my systems, kinda disorientating at times :icon_lol: