So what are your favourites right here .. right now

At this very minute:

Carenado 206 (latest purchase)
DreamFleet A36 Bonanza
MAAM-Sim Avenger

..... and the single plane I'd "rescue from a burning building":

MAAM-Sim DC-3/R4D/C-47 Dakota

Carrenado 206, both land and floatie.
Golden Age Simulations Waco QCF-2.
Piglet's Waco UPF-7. (Remarkable what a new paint will do!)
Hovercontrol Bell 412.
RealAir Decathlon.
And my "if I only get to fly one":
LIC Christen Eagle II

not one but several are among my favorites right now ( not just one i could choose )
steve robinson's heinkel HE P1079
france sim's concorde package
real air SF260
sky unlimited horten HO229
carenado cessna 206
piglet's N-9MB and bulldog
J.E narcizo mirage III
yannick lavigne falcon 50
and as always , shockwave's FW190 and heinkel HE219
I'd be drummed out of the corps if I mentioned my right now fav, so mum's the word.:kilroy:

ME and a couple of online buddies are flying the wings of the SectionF8 F-86 and the MAAM Sim TBF on Carrier Ops.


:wavey: Warbirdsim P-51c, Manfred's Constellation, anyting from MAAM, alot that's already been listed above, ...and soo many more... This question is just to hard.
Right now, but may change without notice...

Sibwings Safir (Silverwings)
Lionhearts Epic LT (FS9), Bestmann & Junkers (GW3)
AH Mosquito bundle (GW3)
PD Lancastrian
Ever present PSS/JF Vulcan from Wideawake accompanied by a VC10
IRIS Phantom FG.1 and the Ark.
CS Herc, F104 and 707/727

Could go on....

Oliver Fischer's Ju-52 in the Alps is always fun, or if I want to get there a little quicker, I'll jump into the iSDT ATR 72-500 or the Dreamwings Q400.
Cloud9 Phantom and Starfighter, Alpha F-111, Donationware F-100, and MAAM Avenger. Purchased the VRS Superbug at Christmas but still haven't spent the time to master it. The more I play with it it the more I like it however.

Regards, Rob:ernae:
Piglet's Helio Courier (managed now how to land the thing properly)
Anything else by Mr.Conrad
Max Holste Broussard
Auster Mk.5

Whoa! Don't get me started! But if you must know..from the "Slow to the Go"

Starting with ..............................
Rob Bruces' Bristol F2B 'Brisfit'
SG's Fok. D-7
SG's Pfalz D-3A
RealAir Spitfire
H+B's Hawker Sea Fury
Section 8's F-86E/F
KO's F-86 (can't make up my mind!!)
KO's Mirage F1
AS's Saab Viggen

As for the 'Civy Stuff'... any and all DeHavilland Types

Fly High..Punch Holes in the Sky
Those flown more than 2 hours within the last 14 days..

AH P-38
AS Hunter
WBS P-51
Skysim Sea Vixen
JF Mosquito


1. L-1649A V2.2 .... just love flying that one.
2. MAAM DC-3 when the runway is too short for the Starliner
3. F-86 when I feel the "Need for Speed"
4. FSD PA32-301 since that is what I fly in real life.

This coming from one who never flew below mach in a previous life::whistle:
Eric Dante's Twin Bonanza
Dreamfleet's Cessna 310
Tim's UPF-7
FDG2 B-25J
Eaglesoft's SR20 G2
AH Mosquito
AS T-50 Bobcat
My current favorites (changes more often than the lineup on Law and Order):
MS Default Vega (sound by Doug Smith; panel, FD and textures modded by yours truly)
Paul Rebuffat's Bf109F-2 as converted for FS2004 by Dave Hanvey and Paul Strany (Lawdog sound and BananaBob prop; needed nothing else after that)