So...would a CANT Z.1007 spark any interest?


Charter Member
Since Manuele Villa just released his for FS9 and we always shared source files, there's a possibility I could get back to working on CFS3 for a while. Is there any concrete interest for the beast? :wavey:

Since Manuele Villa just released his for FS9 and we always shared source files, there's a possibility I could get back to working on CFS3 for a while. Is there any concrete interest for the beast? :wavey:

:jawdrop:You're kidding, right?:costumed-smiley-034

Having made a short flight in Manueles/yours Cant Z.1007 in FS9/FSX I would definitively shout out: "HELL, YES!!!!" Flying this masterpiece in ETO / MAW would be a great joy!!!:highly_amused:
I was just looking at that one and wishing there was a CFS3 version. The AI only one we have now is pretty basic. So, one big huge yes please from me! :jump: Glad to see you back around here!
That would be glorious... as t'would anything coming from that magical 3d modelin' head 'a yours...

...Why, I'd even be so bold as to advance you a couple of virtual brews :ernaehrung004: to aid in whetting your creative whistle!
Go for it! That would fill a noticeable hole in MAW for one reason and it's an iconic Italian bomber for another. Regular or bis?
Ok then, I will give a shout to Manuele and see what we can come up with. Bis first, I'll think about doing a single tail version later. I predict a harsh time re-learning all the tricks and working with Gmax once again, arghhh!

And popsaka, any Belgian blonde double malt will do!:very_drunk::dizzy:
One of these, from many years ago..Was old the old Italian Wings site?

Much from this group has disappeared?
I have several Italian Aircraft from them still loaded..


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That's the old one, I believe by Corrado la Posta. It is fairly old now and wasn't really intended to be player flyable in the first place. Judging by Manuele and Luca's past work, this one will be top notch. Nice to hear we might get a couple versions!
Is there any concrete interest for the beast?

Most definately! Thank you Luca. :)

(I believe they were also used in the Battle of Britain as reconnaisance aircraft for the Regia Aeronautica).
Gecko's right, that one's Corrado's, HH. It was meant to be AI only.
Yes Clive, there were 5 planes used scarcely for long range reconnaisance and as decoys to trick Britain's radars. It's an interesting aircraft, the best performer amongst Italian bombers, but also the poorer when in service due to its construction. Mostly used in the Balkans and over the Mediterranean. All going well, next week I'll start working on it.:mixed-smiley-010:
Hey, Luca ...the old joints are getting a bit squeeky but if I should happen to acquire any Belgian blondes in this desert called Los Angeles I shall certainly save you one and send her along ASAP :tongue:
Gecko's right, that one's Corrado's, HH. It was meant to be AI only.
Yes Clive, there were 5 planes used scarcely for long range reconnaisance and as decoys to trick Britain's radars. It's an interesting aircraft, the best performer amongst Italian bombers, but also the poorer when in service due to its construction. Mostly used in the Balkans and over the Mediterranean. All going well, next week I'll start working on it.:mixed-smiley-010:

Is it done yet Luca!?!:a1089::biggrin-new: And you tell Mathias to get his Fw 190's in this game, along with his new Dora's. Its not like he doesn't have the source files for those planes,lol
Scottie!! To tell you the truth, I've had a look at the base model and it's in need of a deep overhaul, some major flaws in the mesh will really stand out in the CFS3 rendering engine. So it's export from Gmax to Max for easier and faster workflow then back to Gmax for animations and final compiling. Overall, it's a sickening challenge, as much as Mathias porting his beauties to CFS3, poor chap!:biggrin-new::biggrin-new: