SOH A-26 ROSTOYS gauge


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Dear friends,

as I was working on a civil panel for the nice SOH A-26 Invader I found that in the panel.cfg there is named a gauge ROSTOYS/hula.
But it is not with the other gauges including the plane.
I never found this gauge.
Please can some one give me a tip what this gauge is and where to get it ?

Thank you in advance

Papi --

ROSTOYS/hula is a "dashboard wobbly hula girl dancer"... literally. She sits atop the panel and dances to the rhythm of the engines in the A-26. I think I have it in one of my A-26 variants, if you want it lemme know and I'll dig it up and send it your way.

Here it is in Milton's Beech 18. Like most gauges, it can be resized bigger or smaller.

When he was making the gauges for the A-26, a couple of us asked ROS if he could do one. Although he wasn't crazy about it, he did make it and gave it to a few of us. I don't know if he ever uploaded it anywhere or not.

Edited to re-attach the missing screenshot..


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If my admittedly fuzzy recollection is correct, I first saw that hula doll on the dashboard of Heather Sherman's FS2002 rework of the old CFS-2 Grumman J2F Duck.
Check your email. (this is how we passed it around when ROS originally made it)
Just remembered that I hadn't put it into the CalClassic C-46 Commando yet. Off to fire up FSPS.



  • Flight 19-2015-jan-27-001.jpg
    Flight 19-2015-jan-27-001.jpg
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Hi Guys. I am trying to place this little Hula girl on the dash of the A-26 in the VC - to no avail. Any hints or suggestions or is it even possible would be appreciated. Thanks.
I use FS Panel Studio (great program if you want to mess with panels & gauges) The hula gauge as written won't show up in FSPS as the program says it's lacking a bitmap. The bitmap is there, but the xml file doesn't have the .bmp extension on the name. It still shows up in FS though. I extracted the bitmaps and xml file from the gauge cab, fixed the xml file and put it all into a folder that I put in my main gauges folder.
I use FS Panel Studio (great program if you want to mess with panels & gauges) The hula gauge as written won't show up in FSPS as the program says it's lacking a bitmap. The bitmap is there, but the xml file doesn't have the .bmp extension on the name. It still shows up in FS though. I extracted the bitmaps and xml file from the gauge cab, fixed the xml file and put it all into a folder that I put in my main gauges folder.

I have done the same thing so it will show in FSPS. My problem is getting it placed correctly on the dash of the VC. It's not the same as putting it in the 2D because of the limitation of the VC bitmap and being unable to see the transparent areas.