I got an email last night from the Swiss Minister of Digital Debris. Seems our wreckage of 1's and 0's clogged up one of their mountain streams and now with the recent rain fall threatens to flood a small town.
They are sending us a bill to clean up the mess and have in certain words asked us to never return.
Dang that was fun. I just really wish we could have had a closer race at the end. Of course i wish a couple of more guys could have made it to the trap set at LSAZ. The recycling crews were on hand to process the wreckage right there.
There was a lot learned and a lot left unanswered as a result of the results. I will make a full report when I have time so hopefully we can use some of it at a later time in another event.
For those who wanted a copy of the route here it is.
To duplicate the weather go into the user defined weather settings and go advanced.
Clouds set to Cumulus 4/8 Altitude 4500 to 10918.
Wind set to 20kts from 0 to 3231. Gusts 0. Direction 43 degrees. Turbulence none. Sheer gradual.
Winds aloft set to 46 kts top altitude 12,000. Gusts 8 Direction 270. Turbulence Light. Sheer Moderate
Temp and pressure leave at default
Visibility 20 miles just to give it little tighter feel then what you would have at unlimited. Its just as a little more character.
You should now be able to duplicate the race on your own time.
I did not get as many screen shots as i wanted. For some reason MM was lagging around like crazy. He did not stay on screen long enough to get a good shot.
So I will leave you with this one.