SOH not available in France?


Home for tea and tiffin!
Ive just been on Facebook to see that Nigel (ndicki) cant get onto SOH and was asking who can. It appeared that his friends in France can't get on unless they use a proxy. Any ideas?
Cheers, Ickie! I was beginning to think you'd somehow fallen foul of the political police here - don't laugh, it's really getting to that point... Anyway, we're back!
for the past 48 hours hackers in France have been attacking us, so I had France blocked, ...... but by blocking France they had their compromised computers around the world attack us, as soon as I released France the other computers seem to stop but France started again.

here is the attacks from 7 PM yesterday, each contains 4 attacks
for the past 48 hours hackers in France have been attacking us, so I had France blocked, ...... but by blocking France they had their compromised computers around the world attack us, as soon as I released France the other computers seem to stop but France started again.

What on earth are they trying to achieve? It's not as though there was any money here or anything - or am I just being naive?
I think it is 2 people in France, because my attacks come in in 2's then they are blocked and they have to optain 2 more IP's.
I looked at their code, and it is always the same, like a DDOS attack
I wish I had the email addy of the internet police in France, I'd have all soh members email them my pictures and ask them to stop these criminals.
I think my pictures with IP addys and times would give someone a clue who is behind these DDOS attacks.
I wish I had the email addy of the internet police in France, I'd have all soh members email them my pictures and ask them to stop these criminals.
I think my pictures with IP addys and times would give someone a clue who is behind these DDOS attacks.

Check your PMs. No idea quite how to use this though - and I really wouldn't expect the French police to be all excited about a US-based site being attacked.
Whe have been under attack by some one who aquired and blocked our access to certain data bases. They demanded a ransom to give us access rebuilding these data bases was costlier than paying the ransom.