SOH UPGRADES>>>please Read


Charter Member
Thie is in case you didn't see the notice at the top of the page;

"SOH Upgrades
Over the past 10 years I have always kept us running, now the time has come to go to the next teer
Downloads have went from 1 MB to now up to 1 GB and our server is having problems keeping up.

You all have noticed the slowdowns. I have my hands full keeping the site running.

I bought us a new web server which will take us into the future.
I plan on moving all the uploads/downloads to the new server to free up resources, this will also be a windows server so now we can finally have a game server with FSHost'ing and maybe TeamSpeak. Most big websites have 2 servers running so we will join them. I made a deal on a new web server.
Intel quad core 2.5 GHz
1 terabyte Hard drive
4 gigs of ram
2000 GB bandwidth
100 MB network (hole to the internet)
8 IP's 5 usable
this comes with a special card so we can add software too.
Windows 2008

This will cost us another $3000 per year We will run the bandwidth drive until March 01, 2010

I see no options to give, as we in the staff forum talked about this all day.
We could, which I have done already to keep the server loads down is to cut downloads from 100 at a time to just 15 and the number of downloads to 3 per IP
Cut the sized of downloads to 50 MB.
I do not like this ideal.
We could invite advertising, but this is against all we have fought for, and I for 1 hate pop-ups and flashing banners most want to be at the top of the page, than the problem getting paid.

This weekend Canelo and myself are going to install a new version of vBulletin 4.1 which just came out and this will fix all the errors.

Next I will be setting up the new server, moving all the download file
note the site may be unavailable since this is labor intensive. John C will be assisting.

Next Mopar Mike will be installing the software and working out the bugs for the game server.

I only hope you all approve and dig a little deeper and get the other members to join in and become a charter member, we need your support to carry on into the next decade.

Thank you

If you have comments please use this thread. Middle
One of the motorcycle forums that I belong to recognizes people that donate with a tag under their Avatar. They have two different levels of support, a regular "Site Supporter" banner and a seperate "Gold Supporter" banner based on donation amounts and/or if you are an annual supporter of the site. One incentive for donating is a "Site Giveaway" every month, where something is either donated by a member or purchased from a vendor that everyone knows, everyone in the giveaway needs to be a donating supporter to be eligible to participate. We also conduct a site raffle from time to time, where something useful is raffled off with a set number of tickets sold. I don't know if this software will allow the tags to be added, but it's just a suggestion. I'll be happy to donate when/if I ever get to back to work, I've been searching for any job for a little over a year. I'm willing to flip burgers and am more than capable of any machine design you may need.
