[SOLUTION] For those who had CRASH to desktop when doin WARP


Charter Member
Hi guys,
this's my first thread,
im here wanna help some of guys that might had crash to desktop when doin warp on mission

this crash is really annoying and i had this crash mostly when doing warp action (press X), had doin some advice but still got the problem and i try to figure it out why this's always happened but now i got the solution !
so here's what im gonna offer you is to put my facilities and spawns to your MAW / ETO
I hope this can help most of peoples who had this problem
i didn't edit any of this facilities or spawn, i just mixed them and it suprised me that after i mixed it there are no more crash when doin warp (i use many planes, missions and other addons) ! yayyyyy ! :jump:

First thing :

*make backup first for your spawn and facilities
*Try to delete uisel.xml in application data ("C:\Users\Your username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\your ETO\
*extract this 2 files and overwrite any file inside facilities and spawns
*launch the game and see if it works

Im not responsible for any damage to your system or your games so please backup your game CFS3 ETO/MAW first !

Here's the files :


tested using Win 8.1 64bit
Notebook Asus X450J
i7 4770K, Nvidia GT745M 2GB (Nvidia 335.23 WHQL driver)
All graphics setup set to max (5-5-5-5) including overide the config manually in app data file (My config setup.exe didn't work so had to be manual)
ENB + AA 8xQ/16xQ + Supersampling 4 + ANISO 4x

Happy hunting ! :wavey:

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Hi Wiekniera,
thanks for posting this! Always good to get this sort of info.
Just want to check I understand this - is the CTD problem you encountered during WARP caused by an incomplete set of facilties?

I've often wondered, when reading the tech report associated with the CFS3 error message, whether the CTD occurs when the flight path strays over an area supposed to be populated by a facility which is absent or corrupt?
im not sure if it's because my incomplete facilities mate but when i check the facilities and spawn files between ETO 1.40 and MAW, their date are different (Some new & some old)
so i decide to replace the files only with the newest date between them and woilaaaaa it works !
i forgot there're maybe 6-7 files that had same name in ETO & MAW, i guess this's must be the cause of crash so i try to replace them with newest data modified
that's all ;)
OK, thanks for that.
I've sometimes put all the shared files, or guns or weapons or pylons, in one super folder but have not been very systematic about it. Somtetimes I get an install which gets "buggy" and I just have to ditch it.

Now at least I will try an augmented facility folder before abandoning the install...