Some ai questions


I am adding al flights to various airfields, and while some work perfectly, others do not. I wonder if someone can help me with the following questions:

(i) I know that the figure after the AC# identifier in the aircraft.txt represents the speed. So how can this example from the Golden Hawaii traffic.bgl be right: AC#5,477,"Ford 4-AT-E Tri-Motor ? The aircraft.cfg shows 110 as the cruise speed.

(ii) Some a/c when used as ai become very skittish on the ground, leaping into the air when taxiing and eventually destroying themselves and vanishing. Is there a way round this? Would using a different .air file for a dedicated ai version help?

(iii) More generally, why do some a/c behave perfectly while others don't? For example, a Waco will happily taxi out, take off and fly circuits, while a Cub will set off resolutely in a straight line into the distance and eventually burrow into a hill before disappearing. The relevant line in the flightplans.txt is identical apart from the AC# number.

Any help will be very welcome!
I have Golden Hawaii and don't have anything like that in the traffic file. The 477 is a definite error for any ai Tri-Motor setup.

AC#91,160,"Sikorsky S-43 AI"
AC#92,135,"Waco Red AI"
AC#93,135,"Waco Yellow AI"
AC#94,175,"Beech Staggerwing AI"
AC#95,175,"Ryan STA AI 1"
AC#96,175,"Ryan STA AI 2"
AC#97,65,"Piper Cub AI 1"
AC#98,65,"Piper Cub AI 2"
AC#99,190,"Lockheed AI"
AC#100,200,"Goshawk AI"
AC#101,200,"Curtiss Hawk AI"
AC#102,40,"Navy Blimp AI"

ii. some models, airfiles and cfg's don't make good or even workable ai.
I have switched airfiles and have replaced the cfg with all the info from a similar working ai craft except for the texture section.

iii. altitude wrong for the circuit, airspeed, time, parking, etc.?? I have cubs that will fly touch and goes. FS default traffic uses the cub. Maybe an example of one not working for you would help us get an idea of what might be wrong.
(i) Quite right - that Tri-motor was from the Golden Wings traffic, but the point remains. The first entries in the aircraft for the GH_NAR from Golden Wings are:

AC#1,200,"GW Staggerwing AI 1"
AC#2,315,"GW Stinson AI 1"
AC#3,477,"GW DC3 AI 1"
AC#4,477,"GW DC3 AI 2"
AC#5,477,"Ford 4-AT-E Tri-Motor"
AC#6,477,"GW DC3 AI 4"
AC#7,477,"GW DC3 AI 5"
AC#8,505,"GW DC3 AI 6", but this one has a very precise "cruise_speed=171.371464" in the aircraft.cfg.

(ii) I'll try that, but I guess it would mean having a dedicated ai version as well as the flyable player a/c?

(iii) I wonder if using GH/GW traffic when I have FS Terrain mesh might be part of it. I'll go on experimenting, and maybe post a simple traffic.bgl to show what's happening.

Thanks :wavey: